Dina Pelletier, MPH
Certified Permaculture Designer
NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional
Avon, CT 06001
Earth Alliance Gardening & Landscaping
is an ecological Gardening and Landscaping company with a specialization in Edible/Ecological Garden Maintenance.
Wallingford, CT, 06492
Connecticut Permaculture Guild (on Facebook)
This site is for connecting Connecticut residents and for sharing information about intentional human activity that heals the earth.
It is not a business listing or marketing page. That being said, sharing that your or another business is hosting a Connecticut based permaculture event is acceptable. Please share out of state events with me first.
Let's work together to strengthen Permaculture in Connecticut.
Are you listed?
To have your permaculture organization or business listed in this directory, use the contact form below.
Please include a physical address, contact data, blurb, and URL. Thanks.