Some of the states below have no seed sources listed. If you know of suppliers we've missed, use the contact form to the right. Please provide an address and / or URL.

Seed Sources in the United States
Alabama – Alaska – Arizona – Arkansas – California – Colorado – Connecticut – Delaware – Florida – Georgia – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois – Indiana – Iowa – Kansas – Kentucky – Louisiana – Maine – Maryland – Massachusetts – Michigan – Minnesota – Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska – Nevada – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico – New York – North Carolina – North Dakota – Ohio – Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania – Rhode Island – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas – Utah – Vermont – Virginia – Washington – Washington DC – West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming

Plant / Seed People You Should Know
Plants for a Future
Before ordering seeds or plants, be sure to visit Plants For a Future.
It’s an amazing searchable database and an excellent tool for Permaculture
designers, landscapers, gardeners, farmers and all plant lovers.
Plants for a Future maintains a big database of 7000+ plants for permaculture,
lots of leaflets and a plant catalog, and a book by Ken Fern on useful plants.
The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, England
Telephone Bodmin (+44 1208) 872963
Other Resources:
Growers & seed savers in the cold high altitude West should look into
International Seed Saving Institute http://seedsave.org/
The symbol to the right indicates the seed companies that have taken the Safe Seed Pledge
to NOT sell GMO seeds. Please support these companies.
The Safe Seed Pledge:
“Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately people and communities.”
Seed Saver Links:
Organic Seed Alliance sponsors workshops in the Pacific Northwest to teach seed
growing, selection for crop improvement, fundamentals of breeding for organics,
and the basics of seed cleaning and saving.
PO Box 772 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-385-7192 Fax: 360-385-7455
Ute Bohnsack & Michael Miller
Seed Savers will want to visit Irish permaculturists Ute Bohnsack & Michael Miller’s website for voluminous links to Heirloom and OP varieties; info on trading seeds on and off the Web; Commercial sources for heirloom and OP seeds; Botany, Genetics and Horticulture for Seedsavers; Books for Seedsavers; and lots more.
Seed Saver’s Exchange
A focus for member-propagated and distributed heirloom varieties and a retail store for those seeds. You can also order a catalog. Members receive several publications each year, including a Seed Savers Yearbook which lists the varieties available from members. SSE manages a Preservation Garden which preserves and increases 5000 plant varieties.
3076 North Winn Rd, Decorah, Iowa, 52101 Phone: 563-382-5990 Fax: 319-382-5872
Internet Seed Trading
If you want to explore Internet Seed Trading, subscribe a listserv maintained by David Ford in PA. He has a free service to exchange seeds. It is not commercial and he does not sell the member list. To subscribe simply send a blank e-mail with the work SUBSCRIBE in the subject to seed@bigfoot.com

c/o Larry Chandler, 321 County Road 18, Fyffe, AL 35971
E-mail: Info@SandMountainHerbs.com
Phone: 256-659-2726

The only seed company in North America that specializes in seed for heirloom, open-pollinated and hybrid varieties proven to excel in arctic and sub-arctic growing conditions.
12101 Division Street, Anchorage, AK 99515
Phone: (907) 344-0347
Open pollinated, Heirloom, Wild, Organic Vegetable Plants, Endangered, Southwestern, Mexican, Desert tolerant species.
PO Box 72, Oracle, AZ 85623
7119 E. Shea Blvd., #109-394 Scottsdale, AZ 8525-6107
Phone: 877-956-SEED (7333) Fax: 480-347-0837
(Cat. $1) — specializes in heirloom var. from Mexico and the SW Native tribes. Sells dried peppers and other products.
526 N. 4th Ave., Tucson AZ 85705-8450 Phone: 520-327-9123
Old Pueblo Plant & Seed Company
P.O. Box 86441, Tucson, AZ 85745-6441 Phone: 520-201-2136 Fax: 623-201-2136
A 25 year old family business dedicated to teaching you to save your own seeds, grow a delicious home garden and create stunning native landscapes. We sell heirloom seeds (passed on from generation to generation), open-pollinated seeds (will reproduce true to form) and organic vegetable, native wildflower, native grass and medicinal herb seeds.
PO Box 596, Cornville, AZ 86325 USA
E-mail: support3@seedstrust.com
PO Box 596, Cornville, AZ 86325
is the online home for Bill McDorman and Belle Starr, husband and wife, working to promote regional seed solutions. Together they conceived and founded the original Seed School in 2010 which has now graduated hundreds of new seed citizens. After being hired to be co-executive-directors of Native Seeds/SEARCH in 2011, they moved the successful 6 day Seed School program to Native Seeds/SEARCH. They are now again producing Seed School independently of Native Seeds/SEARCH and are now expanding the program to include locations throughout the Rocky Mountain West and the rest of the nation. They have also announced their first online versions of Seed School.
Sherizona Seed Co began a few years ago when some cactus fans were in search of saguaro seeds. It started off with an ebay store. Over the next few months the demand for all sorts of other desert seeds skyrocketed but all had one major request: to obtain desert seeds that are free of chemical treatments and are as true to their native structure as possible.
23336 N 120th Lane, Sun City, AZ 85373
Terroir Seeds / Underwood Gardens
We are a family owned independent heirloom seed company offering the finest untreated heirloom vegetable, herb and flower seeds for home gardeners and small growers. We offer heirloom and open pollinated seeds, soil building and seed saving education combined with personal service, great selection and fast shipping. Home of Underwood Gardens.
The company is now owned by Stephen and Cindy Scott, along with Cindy's parents Allan and Eileen Davis.
P.O. Box 4995, Chino Valley AZ 86323
E-mail: info@underwoodgardens.com Phone/Fax: 888-878-5247
Westwind Seeds and Gardenscapes LLC
6336 N. Oracle #326-246, Tucson, AZ 85704
E-mail: reggie@westwindseeds.com Phone: 520-887-2106

Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
Foundroot Seeds, Sundries & Sustenance
PO Box 289
Palmer, AK 99645

We offer quality vegetable and herb seeds that are adapted to organic growing conditions and perform vigorously in diverse climates.
1129 Maricopa Highway #173, Ojai, CA 93023
Sister company to the BPC (below), supplying plants and seeds relating to shamanic ethnobotany. A remarkable collection by originals in their field. Catalog $2.00.
P. O. Box 2422, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Catalog $2.00. Specializes in shamanic ethnobotany, providing botanicals, extracts, collecting and processing equipment, audio tapes, seminars, etc. True pioneers.
P. O. Box 1368, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Cornucopia offers value-priced packets for over 175 flowers, herbs and vegetables with all the best favorite and time- tested hybrids and a full array of familiar old-fashioned heirlooms. Cornucopia Seeds is based out of Felton, California and is the sister company to Renee’s Garden.
6060 Graham Hill, Felton, CA 95018
None of our Seeds are genetically modified. All are Open-Pollinated or Heirloom when specified.
204 Owetzal Lane, Riverside, CA 92507
Cucumber Shop is a hobby business that specializes in open-pollinated cucumber and cucumber-melon varieties. Between the seed that I import and the seed that I produce, the minimal profit that is generated is cycled back into the business. I am always looking for new and exciting cucumber varieties. Each variety that I grow is stabilized to keep it as close to keep it as true-to-type as possible. Over time, various cucumber strains are refined until I offer them at Cucumber Shop. Since 2013 we have specialized in burpless rare gourmet heirloom carosello and other cucumber seeds with the purpose to discover, preserve and distribute the highest quality open-pollinated cucumber varieties. Offering an unmatched selection of heritage melon varieties (C. melo) that are picked immature as cucumbers. +1 707 863 1779
Watch our YouTube channel.
371 Marigold Dr., Fairfield, CA 94533 https://scientificgardener.blogspot.com/
The Story Is In The Soil: Edible Gardens LA builds, plants and sustains organic vegetable gardens. Lauri Kranz teaches gardening at local schools and with her company Edible Gardens LA, helps chefs, families and anyone with an interest in having a home garden grow lush gardens full of organic vegetables.
7095 Hollywood Blvd. #583, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Social: Facebook
Environmental Seed Producers has been supplying high quality bulk wildflower seed, dazzling wildflower seed mixtures and reliable easy-care garden flower seed since 1974. We are a wholesale supplier to retail-oriented seed companies and to large area landscaping users such as Golf Courses and State Departments of Transportation.
PO Box 2709, Lompoc, CA 93438
Phone: 805-735-8798
Harmony Farm Supply and Nursery
For over 30 years, we have been helping farmers and gardeners grow food, flowers, and lawns using cutting-edge earth- friendly practices. From biological pest control to drip-irrigation to solar powered living, Harmony Farm Supply has what you need to be the best land steward that you can be.
PO Box 460 / Graton, CA / 95444
Phone: 707-823-9125 Fax: 707-823-1734
Heirloom Gardens
PO Box 138, Guerneville, CA 95446
Heymaqua Seed Service
Salad greens and perennials.
2286 S. Face Rd., Garberville, CA 95440
Horse Creek Seed Sanctuary
PO Box 1476, Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Phone: 530-496-3221
Jacob’s Farm / Del Cabo, Inc.
At Jacobs Farm / Del Cabo, our mission is to grow great tasting, healthy food in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
We strive for a sustainable approach to agriculture, using sound business practices and organic farming methods. We are proud to have helped many individuals and communities prosper through an unwavering vision geared toward social change.
P.O. Box 508, Pescadero, CA 94060
“Preservation Through Dissemination”(Cat. $1)– sells only O.P. varieties from all over the world. Esp. unique and excellent collection! One of my favorites! And they have a website now!!!Yay!
You’ll find some great links to plant databases, too.
Star Route 2, Box 337, La Honda, CA 94020
KUSA Seed Research Foundation
The purpose of The Kusa Seed Society is to increase humanity’s knowledge and understanding of a very ancient relationship — the relationship connecting humanity with the edible seedcrops.
The precious edible seeds of the earth — the cereal grains, grain-legumes, oilseeds and other precious edible seeds — have a history of small-scale cultivation and utilization which dates back more than 10,000 years. The purpose of The Kusa Seed Society is to educate about this relationship connecting humanity and the seeds, with a modern voice.
PO Box 761, Ojai, CA 93042
In the spirit of planting seeds of peace, joy, beauty and food for this world, husband and wife, Matthew and Astrid decided to create The Living Seed Company in 2011. They believe the power of people growing food together and saving their own seeds is one of the best ways to achieve both inner harmony and global prosperity. The Living Seed Company, is an organic and heirloom seed company based in Point Reyes Station, serving the greater Bay Area and beyond. Dedicated to planting the seeds of World Peace. The Living Seed Company preserves the diversity in our food through the distribution and growing of open pollinated seeds and educating about the life affirming art of seed saving.
550 Nicasio Valley Road, Nicasio, CA 94946
E-mail: livingseedcompany@gmail.com Phone: 415-662-6855
The Natural Gardening Company was started in 1986 out of the belief that gardens and landscapes should be models of environmental integrity. We established the first certified organic nursery in the United States, and we proudly offered a comprehensive selection of certified organic seeds and certified organic seedlings for vegetables, culinary herbs, and flowers. By virtue of our unique and careful product selection, we are leaders in the field. Today our specialties are certified organic plants (vegetable, herb, and flower seedlings), certified organic seeds, and drip irrigation supplies.
P.O. Box 750776 , Petaluma, CA 94975
Phone: (707) 766-9303
(Cat. $1) — seeds of over 400 cultivars. gourmet and edible flowers for urban landscapes.
3622 Weedlin Court, San Jose, CA 95132
Phone: 408-946-7333
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, Inc.
P.O. Box 2209, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Phone: (530) 272-4769
Order Toll Free: (888) 784-1722
Fax: (530) 272-4794
Craig & Sue Dremann, Proprietors — (Cat. $1) — The original alternative seed company; specializes in hot peppers.
P. O. Box 361, Redwood City, California 94064 U.S.A.
Phone: (650) 325-7333
Renee Shepherd offers you the finest seeds of heirloom and cottage garden flowers, aromatic herbs, and gourmet vegetables from around the world.
6116 Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018
Sacred Succulents was founded in 1997, borne from our love of plants and a calling to their conservation through propagation, dissemination and education. We have created a catalog that is fully illustrated and loaded with ethnobotanical and horticultural information including general succulent care and detailed seed germination and propagation techniques.
We grow our plants and produce our seed without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. We are not “certified organic” due to a general dislike of excessive paperwork and perhaps some degree of mistrust of the regulatory process. We use compost teas and EM microbial brews, kelp meal/extract, granitic rock dust, worm castings, mycorrhizal inoculents, and depending on the plant and its needs: alfalfa and neem meal, seabird and bat guano, and for some of our garden plants composted horse manure from a local source that uses only organic feed. We eschew such popular “organics” as blood, bone, and feather meal which are unsavory byproducts of industrial slaughterhouses, cotton and soybean meal which are byproducts of industrial agriculture often laden with pesticide residues, and fish emulsion/meal which are harvested from our oceans already depleted fisheries.
P.o. box 781, Sebastopol, CA 95473 USA
E-mail: sacredsucculents@hushmail.com
Old-time heirloom vegetable and grain seeds, open-pollinated and organic. Will donate seeds to any children’s gardening project.
P.O. Box 1476, Santa Cruz, California 95061 Phone: (408) 458-9252
The Sonoma County Bank building, 199 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma, CA 94952, constructed in the 1920s is now home to Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company’s west coast location.” The “Seed Bank” store serves gardeners in Petaluma, California, and surrounding counties. Located in the historic Sonoma County National Bank building, a beautiful structure in the heart of the retail district, it’s a beacon for gardeners, foodies, shoppers, and tourists alike. We offer over 1,200 varieties of heirloom seeds, garlic, tools, books, and hundreds of local hand-made gifts and food items. Remember— everything we offer is pure, natural, and non-GMO!
Specialize in traditional SW – O.P., organic, non-GMO varieties selected for nutritional content, drought tolerance, and significance for genetic diversity. Seeds of Change does NOT buy or sell any seed varieties owned by Monsanto. Seeds of Change and many of our growers are certified by Oregon Tilth, which is an accredited certifying body under the USDA National Organic Standards Program. Some of our growers are certified by their state organic certifying agencies which is an extension of the USDA.
Catalog Division: PO Box 152, Spicer, MN 56288 (Seeds of Change is owned by Mars / M&M Candy Corp, a contributor to the California NO on Prop 37, which would have mandated labeling of GMOs.)
PO Box 4908, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
All of our seeds are 100% Non-Genetically Modified (Non-GMO), 100% Non-Hybrid, and 100% Open-Pollinated. You will get the largest quantity of highest quality seeds – Guaranteed! OP seeds will allow you to save and collect the seeds after each harvest for use the following year!
PO Box 1820, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
SmartSeeds is the leading source for rare, exotic seeds from around the world. We've found sources on six continents for seeds that you won't find in commercial garden catalogs.
1440 Via Zurita, Claremont, CA 91711
Sustainable Seed Company is located in pastoral hills of historic Petaluma, California. That is about 45 minutes north of San Francisco, California. We do not operate a retail location at this time. Mail order only. We grow our seed in a Sustainable Manner which exceeds “organic” qualifications. We grow and buy only in the United States and support small American Farmers.
Open Pollinated and Heirloom Certified Organic Seed. For over 20 years our work has focused on Heirloom seed preservation & production, ranking in the top dozen of all North American seed companies for unique and rare varieties .
George Stevens, PO Box 415, Willow Creek, CA 95573
Gary Ibsen and Dagma Lacey, currently grow more than 600 varieties of certified organic, heirloom tomatoes many originating from seeds sourced from family farms around the world. They cherish & share the histories & family stories that accompany generations of seed saving.
PO Box 628, Little River, CA 95456
Underground Seeds
208 S State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482

We at 2B Seeds pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. We do offer many open-pollinated,F1 hybrid, Heirloom, AAS and FSM Winners that were selected for their outstanding performance in nationwide trials and evaluations. Our product lines at 2BSeeds offer you untreated as well as a few vegetable treated seed varieties. The seeds that we sell are produced by traditional open pollinated and cross-breeding methods.
5023 W. 120th Ave. #312, Broomfield, CO 80020
E-mail: custserv@2bseeds.com Phone: 1-800-833-5988
BBB Seed is a small, family-owned company that specializes in the distribution of wildflower seeds, heirloom and organic vegetable seeds and native grasses. Our seed is nationally recognized for being the highest quality available, and our mixes are designed to create a continuing cascade of color week after week!
6595 Odell Place, Unit G, Boulder, Colorado 80301
Phone: 303.530.1222
Since 1995 we have been supplying gardeners with the highest quality seed in the most beautiful and informative seed packets on the market.
660 Compton Street, Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Lake Valley Seed
5717 Araphoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303
Sourcepoint Organic Seeds
1452 2900 Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419
Phone: 970-250-0951
Seeds Trust is a 30 year-old seed company dedicated to teaching you to save your own seeds, grow a delicious home garden and create stunning native landscapes.
We sell heirloom seeds (passed on from generation to generation), open-pollinated seeds (will reproduce true to form) and organic/naturally grown vegetable, native wildflower, native grass and medicinal herb seeds.
High Altitude Gardens has been our resource since 1984 for thousands of extreme gardeners looking for exceptional flavor and trusted reliability in the coldest climates and shortest seasons. We carry the tried and true varieties we have grown to love and rely on, season after season.
2591 Legacy Way, Grand Junction, CO 81503
Sunnyland Seeds
PO Box 385, Paradox, CO 81429
Phone: 970-859-7248

Butterbrooke Farm
78 Barry Rd., Oxford, CT 06478
Phone: 203-888-2000
3 Tulip Drive PO Box 638 Bantam, Connecticut 06750
Phone: 860-567-6086 Fax: 860-567-5323
3580 Main Stl, Bldg. 10, Hartford, CT 06120
Phone: 800-783-7891 or 860-724-1240 Fax: 860-724-1273
180 Stickney Hill Road, Union, CT 06076
E-mail: info@selectseeds.com
Phone: 860-684-9310 Fax: 860-684-9224

Please help us find seed sellers for this region.

Premier Growers Of Organic & Conventional Chia Seed
1300 Seaway Drive, Suite A-3, Ft. Pierce, FL 34949
Eden Organic Nursery Services Inc.
Open-pollinated, heirloom, organic & hybrid seeds for vegetables, tobacco seeds, medicinal and healing plants and herb seeds, vine seeds, tropical and houseplant seeds, organic gardening supplies, pest control, herbs & pure plant extracts
P.O. Box 4604, Hallandale, Florida 33008
Phone: (954) 382-8281 Fax: (954) 382-8280
I specifically hand pick the heirloom seeds we sell for Florida. I acclimate them to our climate, environment and area (higher temperatures & humidity). We start them, we grow them, we collect and save them, all with our own hands. For those we can’t grow and save enough of you can be assured they are from the original source other local growers that also have the highest standards. I only sell those I have grown, and grew successfully; If I haven’t, I won’t sell it.
4435 Union Springs Road, Spring Hill, FL 34608
Kilgore Seed Co.
Vegetable seeds.
1400 W. First St. Sanford, FL.
(407) 323-6630
The Permaculture Seed Farm that specializes in Organically growing, Sustainable Harvesting, and Professionally Collecting True-to-Variety NON-GMO Seeds.
1319 Cochran Road, Geneva, FL 32732
PO Box 23006 / Ft. Lauderdale, FL / 33307
Phone: 954-537-5540 Fax: 954-566-2208
Southern Seed
Southern Seed Association (SSA) is the regional trade organization representing the planting seed industry across 16 southern states from Arizona to Virginia.
Over its 96 year history, SSA has evolved to become what is today an effective voice for seed companies and allied agribusiness at a state and regional level, an effective vehicle for communication and education with its members, and a valuable network for business.
PO Box 2091, Melbourne, FL 32902-2091
We currently offer thousands of Flower Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Heirloom Seeds, Herb Seeds, Wildflower Seed Mixes, and Flower Bulbs.
An online company that offers one of the largest seed and flower bulb assortment available in the United States. Our main offerings include: hundreds of heirloom, rare and hard to find flower seeds, vegetable seeds and herb seeds for both the home gardener and the wholesale trade, as well as large, fresh flower bulbs for both spring and fall planting.
GMO Free Organic Seeds. High Quality Flower, Vegetable, Wildflower, Herb Seeds & More.
PO Box 1115, Dahlonega, GA 30533
Untreated heirloom vegetable and herb seed. Very small selection of organic. Sells some non-GMO Monsanto seed.
Our heirloom seeds are guaranteed to germinate or your money will be refunded. We offer fast shipping to all the states and some foreign countries. Vegetable seeds are usually mailed by first class mail the day after the order is received.
Devoted to the Avid Tomato Grower. PO Box 1626, Augusta, GA 30903– offers 250 varieties of tomatoes, both O.P. and hybrid. Offers a few pepper varieties including “extremely hot,” all purple plant, and peppers “Pretty Purple”.
Some seeds supplied by MONSANTO Also: Totally Tomatoes, PO Box 202, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6ZH – www.totallytomatouk.com
PO Box 1626, Augusta, GA 30903

Craig Elevitch
Many people are now rediscovering agroforestry as a way to address food security, resource conservation, and habitat restoration, while building local economic capacity. Even a small “forest island” of food trees and shrubs can provide a significant amount of food for a family, with excess to share with friends or sell at a local farmers market.
This web site provides home growers, farmers, extension agents, and researcher information resources for learning more about agroforestry.
P.O. Box 428 Holualoa, Hawaii 96725 USA
Phone: 808-324-4427 Fax: 808-324-4129
Seeds Hawaii
An on line broker of tropical seeds.
400 Hualani St # 380 Hilo, HI 96720
We are a newly established Heirloom NON-GMO Seed Retailer located in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our goal is to preserve and distribute NON-GMO heritage seeds for fruits and vegetables in order for people of the Earth to survive and Thrive in harmony with the natural environment. We recognize that we must convert our economy to a sustainable economy in order to do this. We Only Sell NON-GMO Organically Grown Seeds. We take every precaution to prevent genetically modified organisims from contaminating our seeds. We are well aware of studies that show the dangers of GMOs and the fact that large corporations are buying up seed suppliers and genetically modifying and patenting the only seeds they continue to make available under these companies. Our goal as a small family business is to do our small part to preserve the estimated 5% of heirloom seeds that are left on the market. We need to take our ecosystem back from the big greedy corporations whose only concern is profit even at the expense of life itself. I am a single father with two daughters and this business is my hope for the future and legacy to all of our children.
562 Lauiki Street Honolulu, HI 96826 US
(808) 941-0093
Molokai Seed Company
provides high quality seed and planting material with sustainable agriculture and soil conservation in mind. Our first rate products provide our customers the best in cover crops, green manures, erosion control, and slope stabilization.
Whether your needs are for crop rotation, to suppress weeds, reduce nematode populations, create a food plot, attract beneficial insects, or groundwater recharge; we provide the best in plants adapted for harsh drought, wind, and unfertile soil conditions, making it possible for our plants to grow where you live.
The source of our 'Tropic Sun', sunn hemp seed and 'Sunshine' Vetiver comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Materials Center here on Molokai. Our seed is certified by the State of Hawaii to represent the highest quality and germination possible for our customers.
Our plants are grown all natural, untreated, pesticide free, and non-gmo.
P.O. Box 949, Kaunakakai, HI 96748
808.658.9979 info@molokaiseedcompany.com

Native Seed Foundation
Rt. A Moyie Springs ID 83845
Paradise Gardens Rare Plant Nursery
RR1, Box 488-B, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Fax: 253-981-1506
Borries’s Open Pollinated Seed Corn Farm
16293 E 1400th Ave., Teutopolis, IL 62567
Phone: 217 857-3377
Safeguard Seeds
P.O. Box 1036, Mokena, IL 60448
Phone: 855-730-7333
Terroir Seeds / Underwood Gardens
414 Zimmerman Road, Woodstock, IL 60098
E-mail: info@underwoodgardens.com
Phone: (815) 338-6279
Seeds of the Prairie
Downers Grove, IL
A small online store selling native prairie seeds and heirloom flower and edibles

Bishop’s Homegrown / Face Of The Earth Seed Co
Bishop’s Homegrown / Face Of The Earth Seed Co began as a breeding project 6 years ago. Not content with low quality & un-adapted (to my conditions) varieties I chose to persue a science I knew little of – plant breeding. Making wide & varied controlled (often uncontrolled) crosses between varieties within a species we offered the resulting seeds to friends & gardeners around the world. We found much interest in our early work & some of those, now stable, varieties are listed here. Blending equal parts common sense & science my chosen career path infuses & enfolds my spirituality, love, & belief in the connection between humans & nature. We are devoted to creating new strains & populations uniquely suited to the wider Ohio Valley region & adapted to low-input “eco-logical” agriculture.
5604 S. State Rd. 60, Pekin IN 47165
Phone: 812-967-2073
People often ask me how and why I became involved in growing peppers and I have one answer: it is a hobby that grew out of control.
Like many of you, I was dismayed at how few peppers were available at the grocery and nursery, so I began growing my own. Each pepper was so unique and delicious that I just kept growing more and more and more......I still feel there is a world of chiles out there that I have not tried but I am happily adding to my inventory each year.
A big thank you is owed to all of you who swapped seeds with me. Sharing and spreading chile diversity is a wonderful thing.
Also included in this catalog are sweet peppers, tomatoes, and tomatillos. There is nothing to compare with eating that first salsa fresh out of your own garden.
1704 W Weimer Rd, Bloomington, IN 47403-2869
Garden Harvest Supply is a family-run enterprise, born out of our love of gardening, our respect for the environment and our love of God and our fellow human beings. We wholeheartedly believe that a healthy and welcoming home environment should be at every single person's fingertips. With that in mind, we strive to offer only the highest quality plants and planting supplies on the market today. All of our plants are grown and nurtured in our own greenhouses, very near our home here in Indiana.
2952W 500S, Berne, IN 46711
260-589-3384 Toll Free Calls: 888-907-4769
This company was started by people with a passion for self-sustainable living and emergency preparedness. We understand your concerns and your desires to practice preparedness because we share them! We understand that true patriotism is not the expectation that others will care for your needs but that true freedom comes from attaining a certain level of self-reliance.
PO Box 1795, Richmond, IN 47375
Phone: 866-229-0927
Alpaca yarns and fiber, gourmet eggs, wild-harvested mushrooms, garlic, and many fine heirloom seeds!
2248 Red Rosa Lane, Spencer, IN 47460
Gardening and Farm Supplies and Equipment. Extensive Catalog of Seeds, Plants / we also have Gardening and Agricultural Equipment and Parts, Animal care products and Feed
985 W. State Rd. 32, Winchester, IN 47394
Sunrise Seeds
Specializing in Flower Garden Seed. Emphasis on hard-to-find varieties and unique selections. We offer mail order and internet credit card ordering. Rare and unusual varieties of flower seed, vegetable seed as well as plantid markers, squash seed, melon seed, gourmet popping corn and other unusual vegetable seed in season and much more!
P.O. Box 501, Union City, IN 47390
Seeds, plants and gardening supplies for home gardens. A large variety of both organic and heirloom vegetable seeds, herbs, annuals, perennials, and flower seed online. All garden seeds are packaged in recycled catalogs giving gardeners an eco-friendly way to buy cheap seeds.
5427 N. Delaware Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220
We are constantly working to improve and expand our Heirloom Gardens at the Wylie House. Beginning March 6, 2010, we are pleased to offer the listed varieties of seed for sale to the public. New varieties are marked with an asterisk. All of our seeds are grown without the aid of chemical fertilizers or pesticides and all have been germination tested. The seeds are $1.50 per packet if bought at the museum, $2.00 if ordered through the mail. Checks should be made out to Indiana University/Wylie House Museum. We have a limited quantity of some seeds.

Frontier Seed Co.
Box 299, Norway, IA 52318.
Sprouting seeds.
Henry Field's Seed & Nursery Co.
415 North Burnett, Shenandoah, IA 51602 --
Not organic, but good source for heirloom varieties of veggies, ornamental and fruit tree stock,
Phone Orders: 605-665-9391, Customer Service: 605-665-4491, Fax: 605-665-2601
Seed Saver's Exchange
3076 North Winn Rd, Decorah, Iowa, 52101
Not a retail sales company, rather a focus for member-propagated and distributed heirloom varieties. (Membership $25/yr.) Members receive several publications each year, including a Seed Savers Yearbook which lists the varieties available from members. The 1991 Yearbook ran 304 pages!, with descriptions of thousands of varieties. SSE manages a Preservation Garden which preserves and increases 5000 plant varieties. Also manage The Flower & Herb Exchange (specializing in O.P. traditional varieties). Tel: 563-382-5990 / Fax: 319-382-5872
Sand Hill Preservation Center
1878 230th St., Calamus, IA 52729
Tel: 319-246-2299 700 heirloom seeds- vegetable, herbs, flowers, grains. Root vegetables, poultry. Produce 90% of the seed they sell. Untreated, some certified organic. Signed Safe Seed Pledge. No GMOs. Ordering only by regular mail.

The Buffalo Seed Company supplies growers with bioregionally adapting seeds to increase the resiliency and sustainability of our local food systems. Over the last several decades, communities have been re-establishing local and bioregional food systems as we have realized that doing so increases the health of our environment, communities, and economies. Local and bioregional food production is becoming a part of our culture once again.
thebuffaloseedcompany@gmail.com 913.265.9791 Shawnee, Kansas
Cross Seed Co.
HC 69, Box 2, Bunker Hill, KS 67626-9701
Seeds for sprouting.
All of our wonderful heirloom seeds are 100% Certified to be open pollinated, Non Hybrid and Non GMO seeds. All of our seeds are from the 2010 harvest season and have a 98.7% germination rate, unlike many of our competing marketing companies that sell one and two year old heirloom seed. Our vegetable seeds will grow in every zone. We do everything by hand: gardening, saving seeds, packaging and shipping. We are proud to launch the world’s first heirloom vegetable seeds treated with 67 micro minerals so you have not only 100% all-natural and authentic heirloom vegetables but super healthy food.
Seeds from Italy
PO Box 3908, Lawrence, KS 66046
We are the exclusive U.S. mail-order distributor for Franchi Sementi, Italy’s oldest family-owned seed company, founded in 1783. We sell more than 400 varieties of heirloom Italian vegetable seeds, herb seeds, and flower seeds. Franchi Sementi is known worldwide for the quality of its seed, resulting in high germination, vigorous plants, and delicious food. Our seeds are untreated, most are open-pollinated, and many are certified organic.
Skyfire Garden Seeds
1313 23rd Road, Kanopolis, KS 67454
Heirloom tomatoes (over 125 varieties), rare eggplants, heirloom peppers and more; Standard varieties that have been favorites for years and grow in most US climate zones; Vegetables that tolerate hot, dry summers; All open-pollinated varieties, that means NO HYBRIDS; NO GMO (genetically modified organism): NO treated seed

Caudill Seed Company, Inc.
1201 Story Ave., Louisville, KY 40206-1791. (502-583-4402.)
Min. Order 500 lbs. Agricultural field seed, beans, reclamation seed and supplies. call 800-626-5357
601 Stephen Beale Drive, Fulton, Kentucky 42041
Ferry-Morse has been serving up seed & gardening supplies for over 100 years. We're proud to still be innovating and improving. (Sells some Monsanto / Seminis seed.)
Oldsfield Seed Co.
PO Box 577, Winchester, KY 40392-0577.
Story House Herb Farm
Rt. 7, Box 246, Murray, KY 42071
Certified organic herbs.

Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
Box 520, Waterville, ME 04903
Telephone: ( 207) 873-7333 Fax: 207-872-8317
Your source for cold-hardy selections especially adapted to our demanding Northeast climate. Each year we observe hundreds of varieties, selecting only the best for inclusion in our catalogs. Through our product lines and cultural hints, we encourage sustainable growing methods. We offer a large selection of certified organic cultivars and regional heirloom varieties.
The Heirloom Garden of Maine
512 North Ridge Road, Montville, ME 04941
Tel: 207-342-2116 Fax: 207-342-3407
Email: info@theheirloomgarden.com
955 Benton Ave., Winslow, ME 04901
(800) 854-2580
-- excellent selection of tested O.P. seeds. Books, and organic supplies. Safe Seed Pledge.Still carries 40 Monsanto / Seminis varieties, which is about 4% of their conventional vegetable varieties. Their intention is to replace them.
PO Box 65, Guilford, ME 04443
Tel: 207-343-2270
I am pleased to offer you certified seed potatoes (certified organic and conventionally grown), onion sets, French shallots, “potato onions,” and fall-planted garlic.
Maine Seed Saving Network
PO Box 126, Penobscot, ME 04476
Tel: 207-362-0751
PO Box 520, Waterville, ME 04903. O/UT. Organic seed potatoes.
Part of Fedco seeds.
PO Box 300, New Gloucester, ME 04260-- specializes in small, affordable seed-packs. Very wide variety of seeds and excellent book selection.
Will Bonsall, Director, 39 Bailey Road, Industry, ME 04938-4321
A program for preserving the diversity of our crop heritage. Worldwide, the genetic variability of nearly all plant species is dwindling at an alarming rate. Varieties which have been grown by farmers and gardeners for centuries are fast becoming extinct, and plant breeders and other crop workers believe this bodes ill for the future of agriculture everywhere. The Scatterseed Project was founded to help prevent such loss.
Wood Prairie Farm Organic Seed Potatoes
49 Kinney Rd, Bridgewater, ME / 04735
Tel: 800-829-9765 / Fax: 800-300-6494
We are a small Certified Organic family farm in the State of Maine that market our products, and those of a number of other Certified Organic farmers that we know and trust, directly to our customers through our print catalog and our webstore.

Silver Seed Greenhouses
PO Box 6, Bivalve, MD 21814
Tel: 410-873-2942 / Fax: 410873-2728 / Email: ubuubok@dmv.com
Where the Wild Things Grow
55 Douglas Avenue, Lonaconing, MD 21539

Indian Line Farm
RR 3 Box 85, Great Barrington, MA 01230
Eastern Native Seed Conservancy
PO Box 451, Great Barrington, MA 01230 Tel: 413-229-8316
Pioneer Valley Seed Collective (Formerly: Pioneer Valley Seed Savers)
888 Shelburne Falls Rd / Conway, MA / 01341
Tel: 413-369-4269 / Fax: 413-369-4299

12123 Darby Rd, Clarksville, MI, 48815 We run Annie's Heirloom Seeds, not just as a business, but as a labor of love. We are passionate about all of our food, but vegetables seem to have a special place in our hearts.
Michigan Heirlooms
209 E. Wardlow Rd., Highland, MI 48356
Specializing in tomatoes.
Nature and Nurture Seeds
Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we are a certified organic, farm-based seed company offering heirloom and organic vegetable, flower, and herb seeds. We seek to be a catalyst for the preservation and innovation of seed biodiversity in the Great Lakes region and beyond. 734-929-0802
Orchard House Heirlooms is dedicated to bring to market the most sustainable seeds on the planet, heirlooms. Heirloom seeds are not only preserving our heritage, but the only seed that can reproduce the identical plant it came from. Our motto "Seed for Life" is just that. Once you plant an heirloom you will never need to buy another seed. All of our seeds are Heirloom or Organic Heirloom. We do not sell Hybrid or GMO (Genetically Modified) Seeds. If we are to be self reliant we need to grow vegetables and be able to harvest the fruit naturally but also the seed to grow the following season. We offer Heirloom, Organic Heirloom Vegetables and Herbs. We are growing everyday and striving to include in our online catalog more and more variety of seeds regularly.
216 S. Paul St., Dowagiac, MI 49047

3591 210 Street, N. Hawley, MN 56549, Cheap Seeds is the place to come for affordable prices on Flower seeds and high seeds counts. We sell high-quality flower seeds that will last at least one year- you can plant them now or next year. Everything except greenhouses and accessories come with a 30-day money back guarantee. The Greenhouses have a 5 year warranty from the manufacturer. If you don’t love your flower seeds, send them back for a full refund.
EnJoy Garden Fresh Farm
15106 419th Ave. SW, East Grand Forks, MN 56721
Melissa's Seeds
PO Box 242, Hastings, MN 55033
5813 Vincent Av S, Minneapolis, MN 55410-2855

Please help us find seed sources for this state.
2278 Baker Creek Rd., Mansfield, MO 65704
Tel: 417-924-8917 / Fax: 417-924-8917 / (866) 653-7333
At Baker Creek, our mission is to provide the seeds of a sustainable food supply for everyone and keep heirloom varieties alive for future generations. We believe that farmers, gardeners and communities have the right to save their own seed, and in so doing preserve seed diversity and food security in an age of corporate agriculture and patented, hybridized or genetically modified seeds. All the seeds we sell can be saved, shared and traded, and we encourage people to save their own seed.
Interest in heirloom varieties has doubled and tripled in the last few years, and they are now showing up in major markets, television shows, high-class restaurants and everywhere quality produce is offered.
This could be your ad in this space.
Baker Creek is one of our personal favorites and so we've added the linked image below. If other companies would like a more visual listing here or in our print / digital magazine, please contact us. We have generous rates.

Barney's Ginseng Patch,
433 SSE Hwy. B, Montgomery City, MO 63361
Tel: 573-564-2575
HC1 BOX 1A, BRIXEY, MO 65618 Tel: 417-261-2393 / Fax: 417-261-2355
Organic and biodynamically grown seed.
Gardeners Choice Heirloom Seeds
P.O. Box 642, Bolivar, MO 65613
Green Thumb Seeds
17011 West 280th Street, Bethany, MO / 64424
Heirloom Acres Seeds
2529 CR 338, New Bloomfield, Mo. 65063
PHONE: (573) 491-3001 FAX: (573) 491-3002
Lovelace Seeds
Browns Mill Rd., Elsberry, MO 63340. 314-898-2103.
Native tree and shrub seeds, wetland/conservation plantings priced by lb.
Morgan County Wholesale
18761 Kelsay Road / Barnett, MO / 65011 / Tel: 573-378-2655
One-Garden, Inc.
info@one-garden.org, Box 1, General Delivery, Brixey, MO 65618
Phone: 417-679-1003 Fax: 720-247-3419 The Deep Diversity Seed Collection includes rare and valuable seeds, from food plants, herbs, and flowers to fiber plants, heirlooms, and medicinals.

Big Sky Wholesale Seeds
(organic grass / legume seeds),
P.O. Box Box 852 Shelby, MT 59474, (406) 434-5011 seeds@bigskyseeds.com
Garden City Nursery
(organic bedding plants: vegetables, flowers and herbs)
120 Deer Haven Road, Hamilton, MT 59840, (406) 363-0773
William and Tamara Jones
(organic MT State Certified Seed Potatoes)
9097 U.S. Highway 287, Toston, MT 59643, (406) 266-3325
Native Ideals Seed Company, LLC.
31046 Jocko Rd
Arlee, MT 59821
Phone: 406.726.3010
Email: info@nativeideals.com
Soper Family Farm
36 Cherry Valley Road, Glasgow, MT 59230
Terrapin Farm
(organic vegetables, herbs, bedding plants and flowers)
6505 Farm to Market Road, Whitefish, MT 59937, (406) 862-6362
Timeless Seeds, Inc.
(organic pulse, cereal and specialty crop seeds)
120 4th Avenue SE, Conrad, MT 59425, (406) 278-5722, Fax: (406) 278-5720 dave@timeless-seeds.com

Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
DeGiorgi Seed Co.
6011 "N" St., Omaha, NE 68117-1634
1500+ varieties, perennials, veggies, and grasses from US and Europe.
Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
Solluxus, LLC; God, Seed, Planet
3225 McLeode Dr., Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89121
New Hampshire
Aurora Biodynamic Farm
The first Biodynamic seed company in North America
157 Turner Hill Road, Antrim, NH 03440 [no telephone yet]
Email: barbara@soulmedicinejourney.com
283 Turnpike Road, New Ipswich, NH 03071
Tel: 603-878-4509 Fax: 603-878-5990
New Earth Organic Farm
P.O. Box 466, Colebrook, NH 03576

New Jersey
401 Cooper Landing Rd, Suite 405, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002-02536, USA (609) 914-2121
Many of the seeds that we carry are Open Pollinated; and some of the others have been the result of intentional grafting and cutting. At no time has any of the seed been sourced from Genetically Modified Organisms. (GMO). All Heirloom seed is guaranteed to be GMO free, and of exacting specification pertaining to Heirloom quality and history.

New Mexico
Creekside Garden
PO Box 707, Reserve, NM 87830
Tel: 575-533-6768 Fax: 575-533-6768
LLC, HC12 Box 510, Tatum, NM 88267-9700
Tel: 505-398-6111 Fax: 505-398-6151
Email: customerservice@gourmetseed.com
In 2005, we created Gourmet Seed International as we brought together the resources of several fine family-owned companies: Good Earth Seed, and Italian Seed and Tool. Still family-owned and small enough to care about your needs, with a bit of that small-town flavor to how we do business.
HC12 Box 510, Tatum, NM 88267-9700
Tel: 505-398-6111 Fax: 505-398-6151
Email: customerservice@italianseedandtool.com
J&L Gardens
60 County Road 11, Espanola, NM 87532
NM Tree and Garden Center
We are committed to providing the best quality seed- always Non-GMO
1320 Idalia Road, Rio Rancho,NM 87144
Diversity gives strength and stability. That's why we offer vines, trees and herbs, grasses and vegetables, shrubs and wildflowers. We also offer vegetable and herb starts in season and seeds year round.
Our goal is good homes, good food, sweet leisure.
Aqua Fria
RT 6 Box 11A, Santa Fe, NM / 87201
Tel: 505-438-8888 / Fax: 505-438-8800
P.O. Box 541, Sandia Park, NM 87047

New York
PO Box 504, Cortland, NY 13045
Pay just $1.00 per package, and get a whole lot more garden seeds, from someone you can trust. We are the farthest from being a conglomerate. We hand label and package our garden seeds, right here in our own home. You won't be buying a package that is all pretty, that hides the actual seeds from sight, so you will know how many you are getting.
All of our flower and vegetable garden seeds are packaged in clear ziplock poly bags. This allows you to grow the garden seeds you want, and reseal the package for planting later, or sharing the extra seeds with friends and family. Nope, no pretty pictures either. We label the packets with their common name and variety, so you know what they are.
365 Paul Rd., PO Box 24966, Rochester, NY 14624 Catalogs for both Commercial and Home gardeners. 22 organic veg choices- large selection of untreated seed. Sells only large quantities. Sells some Monsanto conventional seed.
For both professional growers and gardeners, the Harris Seeds Company offers an extensive listing of vegetable seeds, herb seeds, annual flower seeds, and perennial flower seeds, with treated, untreated, and organic seed options. But we don’t just carry seeds! You'll also find a wide selection of live goods including vegetable plants, vegetable sets and starts, flower plants, bare root perennial plants, bare root fruit plants, bulbs and corms and plugs and liners. Gardeners and growers can turn to Harris Seeds for all their seed starting and growing supplies. From light stands, heat mats, and Jiffy pots, to row covers, plastic mulches, and organic fertilizers (like OMRI approved Worm Power)
New York Botanicals LLC
Plant Tissue Culture and Micropropagation Laboratory
2-01 50th Ave., Long Island City, NY 11101
We've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
3059 ST. RT. 12D, Boonville, NY 13309
Tel: 315-348-6033 Fax: 315-348-5593 (Please call ahead)
Email: kc@ommas-aarden.net
On Warren Pond Farm & Seed Co.
6200 Deer Run Lane, Trumansburg, NY 14886
The Sample Seed Shop, 978 Riverview Blvd., Tonawanda, NY 14150-7862
Box 548, Buffalo, NY 14240,
or Box 10, St. Catherines, ON, Canada L2R 6R6
Also sells Monsanto conventional seed.
Turtle Tree Seed at Camphill Village
COPAKE, NY 12516
Fax Orders: 1-678-202-1351 Phone Orders: 1-888-516-7797
We are a small non-profit seed company that sells 100% open-pollinated vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. They are all grown using biodynamic and organic practices both in our seed garden and by other farmers and gardeners who use biodynamic methods. All our seed is non-gmo, non-hybrid, never treated, and grown without the use of chemical inputs. We are part of a Camphill Village in Copake, NY, a life-sharing community which includes people with developmental disabilities. People of all abilities help with growing, cleaning and packing our seeds. Another aspect of our mission is encouraging and educating people who want to grow and save open-pollinated vegetable, herb, and flower seeds.

North Carolina
Alston Seed Growers
PO Box 266, Littleton, NC 27850. ($1 pricelist, refundable with order). Organic/untreated seeds. Special family seeds; collectors and importers.
We are a sustainable family farm business, owned by Chip Hope and Julie Laramie, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. We grow and sell an eclectic selection of plants, produce, and organic seeds. We have been growing many heirloom varieties since 1998. PO Box 7, Collettsville, NC 28611 Ph: 828 757-1191 seeds@appalachianseeds.com
Boone's Native Seed Company
PO Box 10363, Raleigh, NC 27605
217 Brehon Street, Warrenton, NC 27589
Email: cherrygal@nc.rr.com
Christopher Weeks Peppers,
PO Box 3207, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
North Carolina Ginseng & Goldenseal Co.
300 Indigo Bunting Lane Marshall, NC 28753 (828) 649-3536 Robert Eidus
is a botanical garden featuring the largest collection of native Appalachian and Chinese medicinal herbs in the Eastern US, organically grown and sustainably wild-crafted at the foot of the Black Mountains, in Western North Carolina. Our specialties include: native (South Appalachian) and oriental medicinal herbs, wild foods, craft plants and other ethno botanicals. We offer for sale seeds, plants, fresh and dried herb material and tinctures and other preparations. The head gardener and accomplished botanical expert, Joe Hollis (now deceased), maintains a primary focus on education and offers many classes on the cultivation and uses of hundreds of species from the garden and surrounding area. His classes center around the sustainable environmental philosophy of “Paradise Gardening” which is reflected in many aspects of Mountain Gardens. 546 Shuford Creek Rd., Burnsville, NC 28714
704 675-5664
The Mushroom Hut @ Fox Farms
Alan and Susan Fox, 54 Labrador Lane, Burnsville, NC 28714
P.O. Box 564, Sharon Township, OH 44274
Ours is a company founded to encompass more than the idea of selling seeds. We embrace the corporate philosophy of honoring people, planet, as well as profit. While profit is necessary to sustain us and help us meet our goals, equally important to us is supporting the people who make up our tiny company while serving our customers by providing open-pollinated seeds of varieties that enrich the biodiversity of available food and pollinator plants. And, of course, none of this is useful if we don’t also act as responsible corporate citizens in working to maintain the health of the community and planet that supports us all.
Thus, the Five Intentions for our corporate behavior: Sow, Germinate, Grow, Pollinate and Save as illustrated on the beautiful cover of this catalog.
We are trying to create the world we want to live in. A world in which farmers and gardeners have access to the seeds that are best adapted to where they live, without fear of corporate ownership of those seeds and the food they produce. A world in which corporations care about the products they produce, the people who produce them, and the people who buy and use them. A world in which profit never takes precedence over stewardship of the land and the environment that feeds us all.
146 Church Street, Asheville, North Carolina 28801
Box 739, Garner, NC 27529
We sell many O.P. varieties, as well as hybrid seed. Good selection of varieties which do well in the Piedmont and in the southeast.

North Dakota
Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
Companion Plants, Inc.
7247 N. Coolville Ridge, Athens, OH 45701
Tel: 740-592-4643 / Fax: 740-593-3092
Hirt's Gardens
Hirt's Gardens is one of Ohio's oldest horticultural establishments. We specialize in hard-to-find perennials, unusual and exotic house plants, and seeds and bulbs from around the world!
1-866-748-9984; Monday thru Friday, 9am to 5pm.
4943 Ridge Road ? Medina (Granger Township), Ohio 44281-9760
CORNS, Rt. 1 Box 32 Turpin OK 73950
Clear Creek Seeds
P.O. Box 763, Locust Grove, OK 74352
Tel: 918-386-0546
Clear Creek Seeds was created to help maintain a source of quality vegetable seeds which could supply families good nutritious vegetables for generations to come. We offer a large variety of Open-Pollinated, Non-GMO, Heirloom vegetable seeds. Seeds you can plant, save, or share. Our seeds are stored until their sale to maintain freshness and ensure quality.
P.O. Box 153, Wagoner, OK 74477-0153
(ebay store) Emergency Survival Seeds. Tel: 918-845-1800
Producers, processors and suppliers of Native grass seed and Introduced grass seed, forbs and legumes. Dedicated to providing quality planting seed for pasture and rangeland improvement, quality permanent hay fields, land reclamation, pasture renovation, grazing, erosion control, biomass crops, biofuels, conservation practices, wildlife habitat enhancement, pipeline and mining reclamation, roadside revegetation, landscaping, low maintenance grasses for golf courses, parks, schools, airports, yards, cemeteries and etc.

Adaptive Seeds
Here you will find artisan quality, public domain, open-pollinated seeds, grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and with ecologically mindful methods. Our catalog is full of robust productive varieties as well as rare adaptive gems. Seed Ambassadors Project, 25079 Brush Creek Rd, Sweet Home, OR 97386
84638 Cloverdale Road, Creswell, OR 97426 Tel: 541-689-0881
has been supplying high quality bulk wildflower seed, dazzling wildflower seed mixtures and reliable easy-care garden flower seed since 1974. We are a wholesale supplier to retail-oriented seed companies and to large area landscaping users such as Golf Courses and State Departments of Transportation. ESP is also a member of the Safe Seed Project and supports its mission: We pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds and plants.
P.O. Box 947 Albany, OR 97321-0354 USA
Fertile Valley Seeds
Oregon plant breeder and author Carol Deppe holds a PhD in Genetics from Harvard University and specializes in developing open source crops for organic growing conditions, sustainable agriculture, and human survival for the next thousand years.
Corvallis, OR
Folly Farm is a micro-farm and you-pick garden at the base of Mt. Fannie in Cove, Oregon, focusing on gourmet garlic and open-pollinated heirloom vegetables.
P.O. Box 101, Cove, OR 97824
PO Box 83, Williams, OR 97544
Tel: 800-846-7359 Fax: 541-846-7357 Our selection includes medicinal herbs, culinary herbs, everlastings, scented geraniums, lavenders, native American species, plants that attract hummingbirds, or butterflies, and lots more.
P.O. Box 38 Veneta, OR 97487
Medicinal Herb Seeds Organically Grown on our small farm. Favorite Flowers & Unusual Edibles for your gardens & homesteads. Open-pollinated seeds for seed savers!
LLC, 1806 NW 6th St., Unit A, Grants Pass, OR 97526
Hood River Garlic
is a small, certified organic garlic farm located in Oregon's beautiful Hood River Valley, owned and farmed by Eric and Terri Hixson. Here at Hood River Garlic we have over ten years of experience growing organic garlic. We have grown "seed quality" garlic for over 8 years (the first few years we learned a lot!) and our success in growing garlic planting stock comes from lots of hard work and experience.P.O. Box 1701, Hood River, OR 97031
We're Strictly Medicinal, located in the town of Williams in Southern Oregon. Back in 1985 our family (the Cech family, pronounced "check") started growing gardens of diverse medicinal herbs, and because we were fascinated by seeds, and at the same time couldn't find seeds for many of the plants we were interested in, we started collecting seeds and selling them through a homey hand illustrated catalog.
PO Box 69 Williams, OR 97544 USA, Richard A. (Richo) Cech,
(541) 846-6704 Fax: (541) 846-6233
1190 Old Salem Rd., Albany OR 97321-4580. O/UT. Unusual veggies. Phone: 541/928-9280 Fax: 541/967-8406 (800) 422-3985 E-mail: info@gardennursery.com
1133 Old Highway 99 South, Ashland, OR 97520
100% Certified Organic. We sell what we grow and we know what we sow. Open pollinated artisan seeds, hand sown and threshed seeds. Restoration Seeds grew out of a small group of Southern Oregon farmers who grow seeds for farmers and gardeners. Open Pollinated (OP) seeds remain at the heart of a company that now ships to all 50 states and around the world. We recognized that because only OP seeds can be saved and grown true to type, they are the cornerstone of our food security and sovereignty.
541 201-2688
3220 East Fork Rd., Williams, OR 97544
A new paradigm in seed distribution: farmers selling fresh, organic seed direct to other growers. How novel! Siskiyou Seed is a bioregional, certified organic seed bank and seed source for gardeners and small farmers. Our vision is to connect seed growers, gardeners and farmers in a mutually beneficial relationship to support small-scale agriculture with superior genetics selected for the Pacific Northwest. We grow and distribute certified organic, open pollinated seeds through seed racks, a catalog and our website.
Territorial Seed Company
PO Box 158, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Tel: 541-942-9547 / Fax: 541-942-9881 (800) 626-0866
Email: tsc@ordata.com
Thyme Garden--Herb Seed Company
The Thyme Garden Herb Company is an eclectic, earth friendly family business working with nature to provide organically grown herb seeds and herb plants, along with bulk dried herbs, herb teas, herb seasonings, hop rhizomes, herbal honey, herbal cookbook, and much more. We are driven by our passion to add more to the environment than we take. Our beautiful display gardens offer visitors an opportunity to experience over 750 varieties of useful herb plants from all around the world as well as providing a source for our organically grown herb seeds and herb plants. We not only grow organic herb seeds and herb plants we have been cooking with herbs for over 30 years.
20546 Alsea Highway, Alsea, OR 97324 Tel/Fax: 541-487-8671 Email: herbs@thymegarden.com / Web:
PO Box 192, Molalla, OR 97038
(503) 829-3126 [voice and fax]
The Victory Seed Company is a small, family owned and operated organization that works to preserve plant varieties by locating, growing, documenting and offering rare, open-pollinated, non-GMO, non-hybrid, heirloom seeds to home gardeners. Unlike most seed companies, we actually grow seeds on our farm and help to support other small seed farmers by purchasing what we don't grow from our network of growers.
Whatcom Seed Company
is a leading online supplier of rare and unusual seeds for home gardeners and retail growers worldwide. P.O. Box 40700, Eugene, OR 97404, USA.
Wild Garden Seed and Shoulder to Shoulder Farm
PO Box 1509, Philomath, OR 97370 All organically grown, open-pollinated seed.
Tel: 541-929-4068 Seed saving and adaptive selection have been part of the farmer's rights and responsibilities since the emergence of agriculture. As practitioners of this old art, organic farmers can reclaim the power to forge crops that better fit their land, their systems, and their imaginations. Wild Garden Seed is working with farmers, researchers, and other seed companies to co-create an organic seed system that provides quality seed, varietal diversity, and superior genetics.

The Ark Institute, Inc.
P.O. Box 3430, Easton PA 18043-3430
We offer only the cleanest 100% non-hybrid, non-GMO, chemical free produce seed, to allow you to plant your own gardens, feed your families and friends, and then harvest your seed to save for use the following planting season.
All of my seeds come from my very own plants. I NEVER sell or will sell anyone else's seed, only my very own hand grown, hand selected seed. I have been growing my own organically raised seeds in this location for over 6 years. I am an experienced gardener and a graduate of the Pennsylvania Master Gardener program. Not only am I the sole owner of Amishland Heirloom Seeds but I am the only employee of my unique seed company with no other human or mechanical help. Lisa Von Saunder, Box 365 Reamstown, Pa. 17567-0365
Bethlehem Seed Company
PO Box 1351, Bethlehem , PA 18018
Cook’s Garden
P.O. Box 5030, Warminster, PA 18974 (800) 457-9703, owned by Burpee Seeds. Some of their conventional vegetables might be from Monsanto / Seminis.
64 Greenwood Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901
Tel: 570-724-5172
Fox Hollow Herb/Heirloom Seed Co.
is a small family owned and operated herb farm located in beautiful Hollister, California. Using the organic method of farming, we grow, cut and dry the herbs utilized for all of our herbal products to ensure the highest quality. We take great pride in seeing our products through from the "ground up". No animal testing or animal products are used. PO Box 148, McGrann, PA 16326. (Cat. $1). 100+ herbs and veggies.
Heirloom Seed Project
Landis Valley Museum, 2451 Kissel Hill Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601
Tel: 717-569-0401 ext: 202 / Fax: 717-560-3545
P. O. Box 245, W. Elizabeth, PA 15088-0245 -- all seeds are standard, open pollinated varieties. Esp. good selection of historical tomato varieties. Phone (412) 384-0852,
Hollow Elm Gardens, LLC
482 Hollow Road, New Park PA 17352
D. Landreth Seed Company
60 East High Street, Bldg #4, New Freedom, Pennsylvania 17349 1-800-654-2407
"Since 1784 we've been providing customers with one of the most extensive selections of fine lawn and garden seeds in the world. Our founders introduced into the United States some of the most beloved flowers and vegetables known today including the Zinnia, the white potato, various tomatoes, and our own Bloomsdale Spinach. We have become the oldest seed house in America because we are passionate in our quest for excellence in quality, service and innovation."
is a farm-based seed company offering culturally important and open pollinated vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. Our seeds are grown by more than 20 small-scale urban and rural farmers committed to community food sovereignty, cultural preservation, and sustainable agriculture. We share our profits directly with our growers: 50% of each packet sale goes back to the farmer who grew it!
PO Box 19775, Philadelphia, PA 19143

Rhode Island
Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
South Carolina
Geo. W. Park Seed Co.
1 Parkton Avenue , Greenwood, SC 29647
Tel: 800-845-3369 Fax: 800-275-9941 (sells some conventional Non-GMO Monsanto / Seminis seeds)
Pepper Joe's Inc.
725 Carolina Farm Blvd Myrtle Beach SC 29579
410 Whaley Pond Rd., Graniteville, SC 29829
Tel: 803-232-1119 We specialize in untreated, heirloom vegetable seeds but we also have bulk seeds, hybrid tomato seeds, and herb seeds as well as hundreds of heirloom seed varieties especially heirloom tomato seeds.

South Dakota
Please help us find seed sellers for this region.
is a small, family owned and operated organization located in Tennessee. We specialize in open-pollinated and heirloom vegetable seed varieties that are rare and not readily commercially available. Several of the heirloom seed varieties that we offer are heirlooms from our own ancestors that have been passed down for many generations in our family.
P.O. Box 443, Bon Aqua, TN. 37025
1955 CCC Road, Dickson, TN 37055 615/446-9191
All seed packets contain 25 seeds minimum. Most will contain 25-40 seeds unless stated in it's description in the catalog. All seed is untreated. Our stand is firm in opposing genetic engineering. I grow using organic methods, but am not certified.
Readiness Essentials, 107 Cavalier Drive, Hendersonville, TN 37075

Native American Seed
Junction, Texas, 76849
The seeds we offer are native to the Texas-Oklahoma-Louisiana region. Diverse groups of businesses, government agencies, schools, nonprofit organizations, land managers and homeowners are using these seeds to solve common landscape problems. Planting native seeds is one small, but important step in safeguarding the web of life. Many sensible people are now enjoying the adventure, discovery and benefits that come with taking an active role in ecological landscape restoration. Our staff invite you to Shop for Natives and explore the full pallet of native wildflowers, grasses, unique conservancy species and mixes. Native American Seed is committed to preventing the spread of invasive species.
1380 N. Hwy 89, Ogden, UT 84404
We sell heirloom seeds, including annual and perennial flower seeds, heirloom tomato seeds, and vegetables & herbs.
We have a large selection of heirloom tomato seeds in every color of the rainbow: red, pink, yellow-orange, green, blue-purple, black and striped. They come in all different sizes and shapes, including cherry tomatoes.
Our heirloom seeds are open-pollinated and non-GMO. They are packaged in 2 x 3" ziplock bags with sowing instructions. Small seeds are packaged in glassine envelopes to prevent static cling. We grow most of our own seeds to insure quality and freshness.
507 N 1500 W, Orem, UT 84058
Never forget the power of planting a seed. Whether it's that little perennial flower seed that adds a splash of color this year and for years to come, or those tiny tomato seeds that gather the forces of the environment to put flavor and color into organic summer meals. Our Survival Seeds have fast become one of our best sellers. They offer you peace of mind in knowing you have emergency food storage. Now you can feel safe knowing that you have long term food storage. These survival seeds are 100% non-hybrid, 100% non-GMO, you can save seeds from your harvest and have plenty to replant the next year.
1041 North 450 West, Springville, UT 84663
Phone: 801-491-8700 FAX: 801-491-8728 E-Mail: support@genericseeds.com
Quality open pollinated, non-gmo garden seed for less: GenericSeeds.com is your source for Non-GMO garden seeds, sprouting herbs, and growing supplies. We also carry a wide variety of vegetable heirlooms, flower seed, and tree kits - all with included easy-to-follow instructions for even the most novice gardener.