Surplus Books Clearance
All books are new, although some may show slight signs of wear from being moved, exhibited at events, etc.
Supply is limited to the number of copies in stock.
To order, send your list of books to Permaculture Design Publishing, PO Box 3607, Tupelo, MS with check or money order OR e-mail your list to Publisher@PermacultureDesignMagazine.com to receive a Paypal invoice payable with credit card.
Title, Author, Number of copies, Price*
Greenhouse Gardener’s Companion, Shane Smith, 3, $14.00
Creating a Forest Garden (hardcover), Martin Crawford, 2, $24.00
Earth Care Manual: a Permaculture Handbook for Britain and other Temperate Climate, Patrick Whitfield,1, $12.00
Seeing Nature: Deliberate Encounters with the Visible World, Paul Krafel, --, $12.00
The Biochar Solution, Albert Bates, 1, $6.00
Beyond the War on Invasive Species, Tao Orion, --, $10.00
Postcarbon Cities: Planning for Energy and Climate Uncertainty, Daniel Lerch, 6, $6.00
Independence Days, Sharon Astyk, --, $10.00
Around the World in 80 Plants, Stephen Barstow, 2, $12.00
The Seed Underground, Janisse Ray, --, $8.00
Browsing Nature’s Aisles-a Year of Foraging for Wild Food in the Suburbs, Wendy & Eric Brown, 3, $10.00
Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning, George Monbiot, 2, $6.00
Meat: A Benign Extravagance, Simon Fairlie, 2, $12.00
The Solar Food Dryer, Eben Fodor, 2, $6.00
Energy Revolution, Howard Johns, --, $12.00
Grow a Sustainable Diet, Cindy Conner, --, $12.00
Small-scale Aquaculture, Steven van Gorder, 3, $14.00
The Humanure Handbook (3rd ed.), Joseph Jenkins, --, $10.00
Rainwater Harvesting for Dry Lands and Beyond, Vol. 1, Brad Lancaster, --, $12.00
Builders’ Greywater Guide, Art Ludwig, 2, $12.00
Worms Eat my Garbage, Mary Appelhof, --, $8.00
Earth Repair: Healing Toxic & Damaged Landscapes, Leila Darwish, 2, $12.00
Dam Nation-Dispatches from the Water Underground, Woelfie-Erskine, Cleo, ed., --, $10.00
The Art of Frugal Hedonism, Annie Raser-Rowland, --, $12.00
Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach, Ken Mudge & Steve Gabriel, --, $20.00
Aquaponic Gardening: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Vegetables and Fish Together, Sylvia Bernstein, --, $15.00
Ecoforestry: The Art & Science of Sustainable Forest Use, Alan Drengson & Duncan Taylor, --, $6.00
Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land, Gary Nabhan, --, $15.00
* includes Media Mail shipping to US addresses only; contact for shipping to Canada, Mexico, and other countries