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#123 - February/Spring 2022:
Where We Stand Now

Perspective in a Time of Climate Crisis

  Albert Bates

A View from the Far Side of the Hill

  M. Mathes Flora


  Looby Macnamara

Commoning and Changemaking

  David Bollier

Responsibility in a World in Crisis

  Bonita Eloise Ford

Where We Stand Now: Evolving Into a Global Age

  Jillian Hovey

Adjusting to the Inevitable

  Adam Turtle

The Unmanageable Future

  John Michael Greer

Tactics for Skating on Thin Ice: Social Design in the Mix

  Rhonda Baird

Take the Lid Off Renewable Energy

  Koreen Brennan

A Note from Our Friend, Goldenrod

  Laura Crystal

Spring Start Thinking: Seed Saving and Vegetable Breeding

  Rhonda Baird

#122 - November/Winter 2021:
Tending Our Forests

David Holmgren's Design Process Journey, Part Two

   Dan Palmer

In the Woods

   Johnny Baer

Marrying the Forest - a fiery love story

   Blair Phillips

The Low-Down on Dewberries

   Jeffery C. Goss Jr., ,M.H.

Collaborating with Your Forest

   Gloria Flora

Timber & Forestry - A Permaculture Perspective 

   Doug Crouch

Bamboo in Permaculture Design 

   Rick Valley

Earth Advocates Research Farm - A late September visit

   John Wages with Adam and Sue Turtle

Building a Bamboo Farm - Coyote Ranch

   Simon Henderson

Grounded Gardening -  Eat the Weeds, an interview with Susun Weed

   Delvin and Grace Solkinson

Scenes from an Automotive Odyssey

   Rob Dietz

In memoriam: Sandy Cruz

   Becky Elder

#121 - August/Fall 2021: Build It!

David Holmgren's Design Process Journey

  Dan Palmer

Building True Wealth

   Shannon Frances

Radical Re-imagining with Permaculture

   Rebecca Ellis

PINA Builds New Infrastructure

   Peter Bane

Permaculture Without the Name

   Bruce Blair

Building Library Community Networks

   Alan Pakaln

Balecob 2.0 at the Nest in Wisconsin

   Mark Mazziotti

Essential Earthbag Construction

    Kelly Hart

Going Deep in Belize

   Albert Bates

Natural Building as a Way of Avoiding Western Norms

   Tobias Roberts

Reciprocating Roof Roundhouse

   Huckleberry Leonard

Cobwood Revisited

   Rob Roy

#120 - May/Summer 2021: Mutual Aid
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Mutual Aid

    Koreen Brennan

Mutual Aid: an Illuminated Factor of Evolution

    David Graeber & Andrej Grubacic

The Nutty Buddy Collective: A Web of Collective Action

    Justin Holt

It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine

    Stephanie Rearick

Indigenous Mutual Aid in the Mountains of Oaxaca: Gueza!

    Phil and Kathy Dahl-Bredine

Journey into Africa

    Jillian Hovey

What if Someone Gets Hurt? 

    Gloria Flora

Design Emergence

    Delvin Solkinson & Looby Macnamara

Local Organic Goodness

    Shannon Frances

PODS: A Sweet Spot for Mutual Aid Organizing

    Zev Friedman

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#119 - February/Spring 2021: Spring is in the Air

Gnats, Camels, and Chaos

    Adam Turtle, FLS

What Would Youd Do If...?

    Gloria Flora

Holistic Management & Permaculture

    Dan Palmer

Aligned & Alive

    Ted Rau

An Endless Spring

    Peter Bane

The Downside of Dogs

     Albert Bates

Groundwater Banking

    Michael B. Commons

Strategies for Developing Resilience

    Rhonda Baird

A Path Forward

    Rhonda Baird

From Magic to Permaculture

    Monique Moreau

#118 - November/Winter 2020: Wild Yields

Considering the Wild 

    Milton Dixon 

Succession through the Forest: Wildcrafting & Mentorship  

    Michael Pilarski 

The Journey to Find Home: An Apprentice’s Journey 

    Anna Pallotta 

A Persistent Staple: Black Walnut 

    Mary Vance 

The Art of Harvest: Paw-paw Handling & Processing 

    Michael Judd 

The Sapience Curriulum: Freeing Our Selves 

    Frank Forencich 

Milkweed as a Vegetable  

    Sam Thayer 

Organic Gardens Cooperative 

    Matt Noyes 

Tree Vaccination with Pure Mulch

    Alicja Szubert 

Permaculture & Wild Yields 

    Rhonda Baird 


    Rhonda Baird & the NATIFS staff 

Nested Permaculture Communities 

    Dan Palmer 

Atmospheric Collision Courses 

    Albert Bates 

Mastering the Growing Edge 

    Luke A. M. Simon 

Grow Engagement with Systems Design 

    Sociocracy for All Permaculture Circle

#117 - August/Fall 2020: Permaculture & Biodiversity

Conserving Biodiversity as my Guiding Principle

    S. Nicki Youngsma

Locavores Rejoice!

    Adam Turtle, FLS & Susanne Turtle

Silent Night

    John Wages

Paradise Gardening

    Joe Hollis

Turning Lawns into Meadows

    Owen Wormser

Cemeteries as Refugia

    Greg Gerritt

Herbal Immune Tonics from Your Own Backyard

    Gloria Flora

Nothingness, Cumquats, and Walter Scott

    Patrick Noble

A Multi-use Constructed Wetland

    Brook Le Van & Rose L. Le Van

The Lost Forest Gardens of Europe

    Max Paschall

Holism & Reductionism--Musings on Barberry & Descartes

    Richard Mandelbaum

Black Commons, Community Land Trusts & Reparations

    David Bollier

#116 May_Summer 2020 cover.png
#116 May/Summer 2020: Permaculture Works
  • Accelerating Succession - Jillian Hovey

  • Does Permaculture Work? - Milton Dixon

  • Who is Your Permaculture For?  - Karryn Olson

  • Learning by Doing: Permaculture for Youth -  Penny Krebiehl

  • Putting First Things First in Our Work - Rhonda Baird

  • Corona Virus and Our Immune Systems - Marco Chung-Shu Lam

  • Building Skills for the Future: Staying Grounded - Debbie Tremel

  • Loss of Reverence: An Outsider's Perspective - Adam Turtle, FLS

  • IPC-14: The Long Road There - Catherine Dolleris

  • Hopewell: Permaculture-based Community Empowerment - Rhonda Baird

  • Developing the Permaculture Workforce - Erik Ohlsen

  • Exploring a Sense of Surplus - Toby Hemenway

#115 February/Spring 2020: Emergent Design
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  • Using the Design Web - Looby Macnamara

  • Imagine a New Way - Rob Hopkins

  • Generative Transformation - Dan Palmer

  • Regenerative Futures: Emergent Design in Permaculture Education - Jillian Hovey

  • Invitation to the Unknown: Gaia U Approaches - Silvina Miguel

  • Landscape Design: Following the Primrose Path (make that Wormhole) - Gloria Flora

  • Importance of Imagination: An Interview with Rob Hopkins - Jill Kiedaisch

  • Permaculture in Puerto Rico: Year Three of Collaboration - April Lea, John Lago Gonzalez

  • A Choice: Forests or Deserts - Lessons from the Amazon - Loxley Clovis

  • A Grafted Union: Working with Tree Shaping - Dawn Shiner

  • North American Leadership Summit Announcement - Peter Bane, Sandy Cruz

  • Interview: Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute Transition 

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#114 November/Winter 2019: Retrofit
  • The Story of Abdallah House Richard Telford

  • Passivhaus Wall Techniques - Baxt Ingui Architects and John Mitchell

  • A Checklist of Ideas for Retrofit Design - Stuart Muir Wilson

  • Wood Storage Design - Rick Valley

  • Cool Runnings: A Greenhouse Journey Jeff Caldwell

  • Observations for a Solar Energy Re-design - James R. Campbell

  • The Pacific Northwest Permaculture Convergence Collectively written by members of the Northwest Permaculture Community and allies: Shaelee Evans, Ryan Flesch, Setesh Freeman, Jillian Hovey, Paul McDermott, Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski, Jessi Pongratz, Cody Wicks, Julie Wolf and Tiffany Y’vonne; Edited by Shaelee Evans and Jillian Hovey

  • A Walk in the Woods - John Wages

  • Food Forests for the Future - Marisha Auerbach

  • Embers of Hope: Embracing Life in an Age of Ecological Crisis - Bonita Ford

  • Climate Chaos: Project Drawdown - Gloria Flora

  • Permaculture and Food Security - Rosemary Morrow

#113 August/Fall 2019: Stocking Up
  • Food Preservation: A Daily Practice by Rhonda Baird

  • Vegetable Fermentation: An Alchemy of Place by Laura Killingbeck

  • Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies: Climate Resilience by Jim Veteto, PhD

  • The Right Tool at Hand by Gloria Flora

  • Dried Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration by Chris Smith

  • Stocking the Apothecary by Greg Monzel

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honey, and Kung Fu by David Santander

  • The Deep Adaptation Agenda, Part Two by Jem Bendell, BA (Hon.), PhD

  • Global Earth Repair Conference 2019 and Beyond by Rhonda Baird

  • Earth Restoration Camps: Insights and Lessons by Robin Woolner

  • Sociocracy and Permaculture by Diana Leafe Christian

  • Reclaiming Our Community Life by Alline Anderson

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#112 Learning From Our Mistakes, Summer 2019, $6.50
  • Watching the Flow of the H2O by Gloria Flora

  • Oh, the Stories We Could Tell... by Rhonda Baird

  • Growth is a Type-1 Error by Peter Bane

  • Ten Misconceptions About Permaculture by Bart Anderson

  • Food, Food Security, and the Environment - North Korea by Rowe Morrow

  • Un/Learning Models for Our Epistemic Community by Andrew Langford

  • Pockets of Happiness: A Conversation with Toby Hemenway by  Bellamy Fitzpatrick

  • What They Got Right: Helen and Scott Nearing by Michael Welber

  • A Map for Navigating Climate Change: Deep Adaptation by Jem Bendell, BA (Hon.), PhD

  • Vasko, the Digital Goatherd by De Chantal Hillis

#99 Ecological Restoration, Spring 2016 , $6.50
  • The Upward Spiral by Jono Neiger

  • Tree-Crop Survivors: Standing Tall Amongst the Sprawl by Ben Richmond

  • Restoring Commuities & Landscape: Agroforestry in Ecuador by Nick Slobodian

  • Ecology & Economy: The End of Restoration by Tao Orion

  • Woodland Permaculture by Don Tipping

  • Open Letter Reclaiming Environmentalism by Derrick Jensen & Lierre Keith

    - Understanding the Ebb & Flow of Permaculture by David Holmgren
    - Abundance from Small Spaces by Graham Bell
    - A New Framework for Sustainability by Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir
    - Can Arable be Permacultural by Federico Fillipi
    - The Big Idea with Seven Billion Solutions by Rosemary Morrow
    - Harnessing Permaculture for Sustainable Development by Gisele Henriques & Lachlan McKenzie
    - Rights of Nature - Why Do We Need It? by Mumta Ito

  • A Perennial Food Guild for the Arid Southwest by Michael Ford

  • Grow Your Own Phosphorus by Robert Kourik

  • Book Reviews
    Trees for Gardens, Orchards, & Permaculture by Martin Crawford
    The Healing Terrain: Coming Home to Nature's Medicine by Jesse Wolf Hardin along with Kiva Rosese Hardin, David Hoffmann, Phyllis Light, Robin Rose Bennett, Juliet Blankespoor, & Dara Saville

#98 Decolonizing Permaculture, Winter 2015 , $6.50
  • Permaculture = Relationship by Stella Strega Scoz & Jose’ Lorenzo Zamora

  • Living Naturally: A Black Woman Practicing Permaculture by Kirtrina Baxter

  • People of Color Statement from the NAPC by POC Caucus, NAPC 2014

  • Permaculture and the Patrix by Andrew Langford

  • Open Letter … in the Wake of the Charleston Shootings by Dani slabaugh, David Rodriguez,
    & Nakia Winfield

  • The Intersectionality of Permaculture Ethics by Anandi A. Premlall

  • Navigating an Uneven Terrain by Heather Jo Flores

  • Exploring the Intersection of Permaculture & Decolonization by Jesse Watson

  • A Short Lexicon of Racism by Starhawk

  • Best Practices to Support Women in Permaculture by Karryn Olson-Ramanujan

  • Colonialism Dimishes Us All by Joel Glanzberg

  • In Support of Women and People of Color in Permaculture: A Report by Jonathon Bates

#97 Life on the Edge, Fall 2015 , $6.50
  • A New Culture of Healing by Jesse Wolf Hardin

  • Hedgerows Make Better Neighbors by Molly Phemister

  • Life on the Edge by Rick Valley

  • Hellstrip Polycultures by Frank Raymond Cetera

  • Permaculture in Succession: Reaching the Masses by Alan Booker

  • Humanure: Just Do It by Stan Wilson

  • Deep Roots for Dynamic Accumulation? by Robert Kourik

  • Walking the Line: Culture by Jeanmarie Zirger

  • Designing for Childen and Elders by Roman Shapla

  • Gardening Natives by Dara Saville

  • Whole Earth, Whole Birth by Marly Hornik

  • Grief: Designing for Disaster by Lonnie Howell

  • Green Chinampas by Jeanmarie Zirger

  • Food Justice and Edible Schoolyards by Patricia Sprague

#96 Building the Solar Economy, Summer, 2015 , $6.50
  • The Gross Society: Why Energy Profit Matters by Richard Heinberg

  • Enchanted Ecosystems: Bioshelters and Solar Greenhouses by Jason Workman

  • Designing the Passivhaus by Christina Snyder

  • Lemons in the Living Room by Sue Gray and Jerome Osentowski

  • Solar Success in the Midwest by Woodie Bessler, Darrell Boggess, Anne Heddin, & Terry Usrey

  • Planting Rain in the Desert by Jeremy Lynch

  • Active Systems for the Passive Solar House by Christina Snyder

  • Building a Solar Business by N. Ryan Zaricki

  • Perennial Grains and Pseudocereals, Part 2, by Eric Toensmeier

  • Revival of a Peer-Driven Permaculture Organization by Penny Livingston-Stark and Peter Bane

  • Species Index (Issues #75-90)

  • Book Reviews:
    Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels by Richard Heinberg (review by Peter Bane);
    Seed Libraries and other means of keeping seeds in the hands of the people by Cindy Connor
    (review by Peter Bane);
    Around the World in 80 Plants by Stephen Barstow (review by Peter Bane).


#95, Perennial Crops, Spring, 2014, $6.50
  • Perennial Crops, Perennial Cultures by Adam Brock

  • Hybrid Swarms and Hickory-Pecans by Philip A. Rutter

  • De-Slugging the Woods by Steve Gabriel

  • Perennial Sugar by Bill Whipple

  • Regreening Haiti by Braden Trauth

  • Four Perennial Vegetables by Martin Crawford

  • Perennial Cereals and Pseudocereals by Eric Toensmeier

  • Basic Guild Patterning by Rico Zook

  • One, Two, Three – Actinidia! by Jono Neiger

  • A Forager’s Journey to the Future by Ande Shewe

  • General Index (Issues #75-90)

  • Book Reviews:
    The Community-Scale Permaculture Farm (Review by Peter Bane);
    Organic Mushroom Farming and MycoRemediation (Review by Brian Mets);
    Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts (Review by Peter Bane); 
    Eat Your Greens (Review by Peter Bane)


#94, Seasonal Cycles of Work, Autumn, 2014, $6.50
  • Festivals and Forestry on the Ecological Calendar by Tom Ward

  • A High Desert Homestead by Erin O’Neill

  • Seasons of the Market Garden by Darrell Frey

  • Eating Year-Round from a Wisconsin Garden by Kathleen Plunkett-Black

  • Energy Through the Seasons by Peter Bane

  • Weaving the Threads of Resilience by Rhonda Baird

  • Forest Garden Research by Tomas Remiarz

  • Reviews:
    Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals
    in the Temperate Forest by Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel (Reviewer Peter Bane);
    Sustainable [R]evolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms and Communities
    Worldwide. [Reviewer Michael Welber]


#93, Experimentation-
Science in Permaculture, Autumn, 2014, $6.50
  • Critical Questions for Permaculture by Rafter Sass Ferguson

  • Dynamic Accumulators Revisited by Robert Kourik

  • Experimentation in Permaculture by Chris Warburton-Brown

  • Nitrogen-Fixing Vegetables by Jonathan Bates

  • Bio-Char – the Carbon Kickstarter by Kelpie Wison & Hans-Peter Schmidt

  • People’s Science or Pseudoscience? by Rafter Sass Ferguson

  • Permaculture Farmer in Malawi by Abigail Conrad

  • Forming a More Perfect Union: Permaculture & Academia by Steve Gabriel

  • Soil and Biodiversity Test by Tom Kemeny

  • Political Ecology & Public Permaculture by Christopher Kelly-Bisson

  • Reviews:
    A Different Kind of Luxury: Japanese Lessons in Simple Liiving & Innner Abundance (Review by Erin Schey); The Art & Science of Shepherding: Tapping the Wisdom of French Herders (Review by Peter Bane); Integrated Forest Gardening: The complete guide to polycultures & plant guilds in permaculture systems (Review by Peter Bane); The Permaculture Orchard (video) (Review by Peter Bane)


#92, Stacking Functions, Summer, 2014, $6.50
#91, Seeds, Spring, 2014, $6.50
  • Stewards of Arizona Seed-Sheds by Chris Franco

  • Seed Saving Primer by Randel Agrella

  • Remember the Leucaena by Marjory Wildcraft

  • Volunteer Plants in the Garden by Michael Pilarski

  • Successful Seed-Saving by Hillie Salo

  • Bioregional Seed-Sheds by Don Tipping

  • Saving the Seeds of Cheese by David Asher Rotzstain

  • Create Your Own Seed Bank by Randel Agrella

  • The Seeds of Community: Forest Garden Emerging by Frank Raymond Cetera

  • Start a Community Seed Bank by Ellen Rainwalker

  • GMO Seeds: The New Green Revolution in Africa by Trina Moyles

  • Index to Permaculture Activist #59 – 74 (2006-2009)

  • Book reviews:
    Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist; American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival; The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture: Creating An Edible Ecosystem


#90, Appropriate Technology, Winter, 2013-14, $6.50
  • It’s Getting Better All the Time…. by Maurice Schauffert

  • Low-Tech Tools for Zone 4 by Ben Weiss

  • Rocket Mass Heaters by Leslie Jackson

  • Stocking Up with Solar Power: Evaluating Food Dryers by Dennis Scanlin

  • Teaching an Old Pump New Tricks by Douglas Bullock

  • WWOOFing Bonds Virtual with Face-to-Face Community by Dan Moberger

  • Social Sharing Software by Chris Carnevale

  • Hand-Powered Oil Presses by John Wages

  • Facing the Giants: Permaculture Trials at a Big Ag School by Kevin Woltz

  • Scythes: A Gem from the Past by Vaidila Satvika

  • Convivial Technology: The Scythe by Peter Vido

  • Board Game Technology for Education by Roman Shapla

  • Solar Double-Cropping by Glen & Lyle Estill

  • Community-Supported Industry by Susan Witt

  • Book Reviews:
    Small Stories, Big Changes: Agents of change on the front lines of sustainability;
    The Woodland Way, 2nd Ed.: A permaculture approach to sustainable woodland management;
    Earth Repair: A grassroots guide to healing toxic & damaged landscapes;
    Let It Shine: The 6000-year story of solar energy;
    Growing Food in the Southwest Mountains: A guide to high altitude, semi-arid home permaculture gardens


#89, Practicing Democracy, Autumn, 2013, $6.50
  • Mimicking Life’s Politics by Ellen Laconte

  • The Case for Slow Democracy by Susan Clark & Woden Teachout

  • David vs. Goliath: Seed Libraries by Stephanie Syson

  • Mapping the Way to Prosperity in Rhode Island by Greg Gerritt

  • Lessons from the Iroquois in Self-Organizing Governance by Joel Glanzberg

  • A Toolbox for Social Permaculture by Abrah Jordan Dresdale & Connor Stedman

  • Entrepreneurship & the Three-Legged Stool of Sustainability by Lee Walker Warren

  • Bring a Little Dirt into Your Life: So. Calif. Community Gardens by Bill Roley

  • The Forgotten Herb: Sweet Cicely by Jill Henderson

  • Patoralism: Problem or Solution by Alice Gray

  • Losing Ground in the Solomon Islands by Rosemary Morrow

  • Book Reviews: Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Food Rights: The escalating battle over who decides what we eat;
    The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors toolkit;
    Principles of Ecological Landscape Design;
    Financing our Foodshed: Growing Local Food with Slow Money;
    Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Climate: Lessons from desert farmers on adapting to climate uncertainty


#88, Earth Skills & Nature Connection, Summer, 2013, $6.50
  • Mentoring for the Earth: Nature Connection & Cultural Repair by Mark Morey

  • Building a Permaculture Legacy Through Nature Connection by Jon Young & Josh Lane

  • Connecting Youth to Nature & Self by Rick Berry

  • Wild Animals Tell Us by Tom Ward

  • Teaching Earth Skill to Children by Roman Shapla

  • Permaculture & Wilderness Survival by Adam “Hub” Knott

  • Tracks to a Full Stomach by Bonita Ford

  • Traditional Observation Techniques for the Permaculture Designer by Benjamin Weiss

  • Adventures in Oyster-Tecture: Thought on Seabed Design by Jason Gerhardt

  • A Personal Forest: Reclaiming Our Carbon Footprints by Albert Bates

  • Suburban Agroforestry: An Ohio Valley Prototype by Blake Cothron

  • Book Reviews: Perennial Vegetable Gardening;
    Plowing with Pigs: And Other Creative, Low-budget Homesteading Solutions;
    Restoration Agriculture: Real-world Permaculture for Farmers;
    Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable, & Secure Food Systems;
    The Resilient Farm & Homestead: An Innovative Permaculture & Whole Systems Design Approach


#87, Weeds to the Rescue, Spring, 2013, $6
#86, Health & Nutrition, Winter, 2012-13, $6
  • Naturopathy Centre Integrates Health & Community by Katherine Willow;

  • Seasonal Eating for Health by Tiffany Robbins;

  • Reclaiming Plant Medicine by rachel Berry;

  • Mushrooms & Vit D: The Sun Connection by Paul Stamets;

  • The Herbal Medic: Herbal First Aid by Sam Coffman;

  • Edible Insects by Roman Shapla;

  • Forest Gardens on Campus by Macon Foscue;

  • Beer for Health & Happiness by Phil Wages;

  • Growing Wise Children by Leigh Senna;

  • Fenugreek: A Versatile & Healing Herb by Jill Henderson;

  • Choosing Plants & Animals for Edible Landscapes by Kyle Chamberlain;

  • Not All Nitrogen Fixers Are Created Equal by Eric Toensmeier;

  • The Benefit of Ordeal by Albert Bates

  • Book Reviews:
    People Money: The Promise of Regional Currency;
    The Art of Fermentation;
    The Man Who Planted Trees: Lost Groves, champion trees, & an urgent plan to save the planet;
    How to Grow Perennial Vegetables: Low-maintenance, low-impact vegetable gardening;
    Future Money: Breakdown or Breakthrough;
    The “Ultimate” Guide to Permaculture
    (don’t buy this book, it’s neither permaculture nor “ultimate”)


#85, There Goes the Neighborhood, Autumn 2012, $6
  • Rural, Urban, and Potential Neighborhoods by Creighton Hofeditz

  • The Needs of Sustainable Communities by David Bainbridge

  • “Re-Villagize”: Patterns to Build the Neighborhood by Andrew Millison

  • Community Solar Power by Greg Pahl

  • Multi-Farm CSA in NH: Local Economic Organizing by Scott Codey & Bethan Weick

  • Cultivating Food-Secure Communities by Mark Roseland

  • SENS House at Berea College: Metrics on Sustainability by Richard Olson

  • Cross-Country on Amtrak: Thoughts on Broadscale Restoration by Michael Pilarski

  • Relocating an Intentional Community by Tarenta Baldeschi

  • Community Common Rights and Fracking by Pamela Sherman

  • Book Reviews:
    2052: A global forecast for the next 40 years;
    Too Much Magic: Wishful thinking, technology, and the fate of the nation;
    Dreaming the Future: Reimagining civilization in the age of nature;
    Honeycomb Kids: Big picture parenting for a changing world;
    The Seed Underground: A growing revolution to save food


#84, Home and Hearth, Summer 2012, $6
  • The Permaculture of Domesticity by Sharon Astyk

  • Natural Building by Sasha Rabin

  • The Recip0rocating Roof Roundhouse by Huckleberry Leonard

  • Fire at the Heart of the Home: Retrofitting a Monrovian Barn by Max Jensen

  • Tending the Hearth by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Inching Toward Permaculture by Ileana Grams-Moog

  • Grow Dome Pops Up in Denver by Reggie Lafaye

  • Growing the Homebody Economy by Rachel Kaplan

  • Homeschooling and Permaculture Adventures by Rhonda Baird

  • Permaculture in Damaged Drylands by Dan Smith

  • Nova Scotia: Sticks and Stumps Feed the Hearth by Marissa Ringel

  • Book Reviews:
    The Permaculture Handbook: Garden Farming for Town and Country;
    Independence Days: A guide to sustainable food storage and preservation;
    Sowing Seeds in the Desert: Natural farming, global restoration and ultimate food security


#83, The Economy of Wood, Spring 2012, $6
  • The Polewood Economy by Mark Krawczyk

  • Living by Wood by Bethann Weick

  • A Basket-Maker’s Landscape by Tom Ward

  • Ligurian Alnoculture: An Italian Example by Dave Jacke

  • The Fuel of Choice by Peter Bane

  • What to Do with All the Wood by Jeanmarie Zirger & Kara Cifizzari

  • Black Locust: Utility or Futility by Bill Whipple

  • Perennial Staple Crops: Part 2 by Eric Toensmeier

  • Book Reviews:
    Asphalt to Ecosystems;
    Occupy World Street;
    The KunstlerCast;
    The Holistic Orchard


#82, Growing Staple Crops, Winter 2012 , $6
  • Growing Staple Foods in Permaculture by Mark Shepard

  • Tell Me Where You Get Your Bread by Michelle Ajamian & Brandon Jaeger

  • Staple Crops Without Tillage –

  • Part 1, Dry Beans; Part 2, Growing Corn among the 3 Sisters by Susanna Lein

  • Pole Beans – The Vagaries of Phaseolus by Leigh Hurley

  • Poor People’s Food by John Glavis

  • Pig-Powered Potatoes by Behann Weick

  • Growing Rice in Vermont by Erik Andrus with Ben Falk

  • Who Am I to Farm? by Peter Bane

  • Working Out a New Farming System by Harry MacCormack

  • Perennial Staple Crops by Eric Toensmeier

  • Chestnuts: Staple Foods Do Grow on Trees by Frank Salzano

  • Acorn: The Perennial Grain by Kyle Keegan

  • Book Reviews:
    Permaculture Pioneers: Stories from the New Frontier;
    The Blue Economy: 10 years, 100 innovations, 100 million jobs


#81, Hidden Connections in the Garden, Autumn 2011, $6
  • Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, The Place to Be by Ann Kreilkamp

  • Urban Agriculture – Bringing Paradise Back to the Empty Lot by David Tracey

  • Food Means Access to Land by Sandor Ellix Katz

  • Tending the Wild: Restoring Indigenous Practices by Eric Toensmeier

  • Hoarding and Storing Seeds by Carol Deppe

  • Gardening Religion: Choices in our Cultural Stew by David Haberman

  • Lifting the Garden Up: Deep Raised Beds by Sepp Holzer

  • A Better Deer Fence by Nina Maclean

  • Greenhouses with Altitude by Jerome Osentowski, Evan Granito, Elena Zubulake & Sara DeAloia

  • Managing Manure to Save Mankind by Gene Logsden

  • Wild Edibles in Civilized Settings by Rachel Kaplan

  • For the Love of Mushrooms by Greg Marley

  • Book Reviews:
    The End of Growth: Adapting to our new economic reality;
    Urban Homesteading: Heirloom skills for sustainable living
    Common Ground: Commuity orchards handbook;
    Urban Agriculture: Ideas & designs for the new food revolution
    21st Century Greens: Leaf vegetables in nutrition & sustainable agriculture;
    Aquaponic Gardening: A step-by-step guide to raising vegetables & fish togethe


#80, Designing for Disaster, Summer 2011, $6
#79, The Urban Frontier, Spring 2011, $6
  • An Indoor Farm Grows in Denver by Adam Brock

  • Meet You on the Roof: City Food Production Looking Up by Phil Forsyth
    (with Micah Woodcock on Beekeeping in the City)

  • Being the Change in Your Village by Kelda Miller

  • D-I-Y Meets P.U.D.: Bringing the Village into the City by Peter Bane

  • Creating Urban Mycelia: Permaculture for Everyone by Zev Friedman

  • Permaculture: Farming for Tomorrow by Chuck Burr

  • General Index to Permaculture Activist issues 24-40

  • Species Index (issues 24-40)

  • Book Reviews:
    The Biochar Solution: Carbon farming & climate change;
    The Growing Edge: Beyond sustainability & regeneration DVD;
    Birthrites: Rituals & celebrations for the child-bearing years


#78, Water Wise, Winter 2011, $6
  • Thinking Like a River by Michael Blazewicz

  • Watershed Relationships by Brock Dolman

  • Berms & Basins Gain the Colorado Rain by Jason Gerhardt

  • From Wastewater to Gardens by Mark Nelson & Florence Cattin

  • Old Practices, New Thinking: Water Tools & View for Drylands:

  • 1. Cisterns of Saudi Arabia; 2. Watergy: Where water & Energy Meet by Brad Lancaster

  • Mexican Water Design Endures 450 Years by Scott Horton

  • Edible Boardrooms & Allotments in the Sky by Dave Richards

  • Water Conservation in the Home by Jerry Yudelson

  • The Causeway Apporach to Poorly Drained Lands by Chris Dixon

#77, Eco-nomics, Fall 2010, $6
  • Design for Sustainable Economics by Robert Gilman

  • New Roots for Economics by Stephanie Mills

  • Making Sense of a Collapsing System by Peter Bane

  • The Eco-nomics of Small-Scale Forestry by Ish Shalom

  • BioShelter Market Gardens by Darrell Frye

  • The Economics of Logging on Public Lands by Christine Glaser

  • Community Currencies Build the Future by John Rogers

  • Cooperation, Peace and Economic Justice by Stephen DeMeulenaere

  • The New Green-Collar Economy by Abel Kloster

  • Enterprise Models Regenerate the Planet by Greg Landua, Eric Toensmeier, & Mary Johnson

  • Permaculture Institutes, Certificates, & the Diploma by Rosemary Morrow

#76, Soil Fertility, Summer 2010, $6
  • The Permaculture Way of Soil by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Biochar and Agriculture by James Bruges

  • Rocky Mountain Miracles with Sheet Mulch by Jerome Osentowski

  • Hawai’ian Farm Builds Soil with Worms by Sarah Staley

  • Demystifying humanure: The Poop on Composting Toilets by Joe Jenkins

  • A Golden Opportunity: Diverting Urine to Fertilize Soil by Carol Steinfeld

  • Building Soil with Crop Rotations by Eric & Beth Ardapple-Kindberg

  • Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms and Soil by Alice Beetz and Michael Kustudia

#75, Local Food, Spring 2010, $6
  • Expanding the Niche of Local Food: A City and Regional Plan by Peter Bane

  • Local Food Starts with the Garden: Small Farm Self-Reliance by Darrell E. Frey

  • Living the local Food Life: Suburban and Rural Views by Doniga Markegard and Susan Osofsky

  • Food Interdependence in the City – A Group Effort by Robert van de Walle

  • Colorado Food Bank Adds Own Gardens and Orchards by Melissa Marts

  • Designing a Garden to Grow the Food Bank by Barb Fath

  • A Local Foods Movement Worth its Salt by Tao Orion

  • Reintroducing Staples to Regional Farming by Michelle Ajamian & Brandon Jaeger

  • Urban Survival Farming by Mike Thayer

#74, Energy Descent, Winter 2009, $6
  • A Personal Story: Practical Home Energy Descent by Kate & Larry McAuliffe

  • Transition: Meeting the Challenge of Energy Descent by Michael Brownlee

  • Permaculture and Transition in Mexico by Holger Heironimi

  • Carbon-Negative…Starving Chickens and Sacred Shrines by Albert Bates

  • On Energy, We’re Finally Walking the Walk by Lester R. Brown

  • Making Fuel Alcohol by Lynn Ellen Doxon

  • An Uncivilized Solution to a Global Crisis by Keith Farnish

  • Throwing Out the Throwaway Economy by Lester R. Brown

  • The Eco-Logic of Descent: Why Industrial Society is Ending by John Michael Greer

  • The Right Invisible Structures for Energy Descent by Rhonda Baird

#73, Bioregionalism, Autumn 2009, $6
  • Jumping Into a New Paradigm by Ken Lassman

  • ReEnvisioning & Restoring Wild Lands in the Rocky Mountains by Sandy Cruz

  • As Go the Elephants, So Goes the Bioregion by John Seed

  • Bioregional Organizing in Cities: A Houston Success by Bob Randall

  • Heirloom Seeds of Tomorrow by Don Tipping

  • Gardens of Gratitude: Taking L.A. by Storm by Virginia LeRossignol Blades

  • Reclaiming the Land Commons by David Harper

  • Transition Town: Hohenwald, Tennessee by Jennifer Dauksha-English

  • From Kansas to Oz…& Back Again: A Saga of the BioCongress by Caryn Miriam Goldberg

  • Making Home in a Global Neighborhood by Peter Bane

  • Growing a Bioregional Vision by Christine Muehlman Gyovai

#72, The View from Abroad, Summer 2009, $6
  • Viva Biafra: Machine Guns, Naked Women, & Heliciculture in Nigeria by Keith Morris

  • Green Tech: An Optimistic View of the Future by David Holmgren

  • Integrated Water Management in Ethiopia by Rosemary Morrow

  • Shrinking Forests: The Many Costs by Lester Brown

  • Food Exploration in the Caucasus by Justin West

  • Trees, Fire & Farmers in the Maya Rainforest by Ronald Nigh

  • Bringing Permaculture to Trinidad by Erle Rahaman Noronha

  • Bridging Cultures in India & Brazil: Solidarity Through Soil by aManda Greene

  • Permaculture in Schools in Southern & Eastern Africa by Mugove Walter Nyika

  • Chasing the Bugger-Bug in Liberia by Warren Brush

  • End of an Era: No New Coal Plants in America by Jonathan Dorn

#71 Earthworks, Spring 2009, $6
  • Mounds of Water Management by Barb Fath & Ted Sunderhaus;

  • Going Deep in Belize by Albert Bates;

  • Building the Road to “Lottawater Water” by Peter Bane;

  • Soil, Water & Carbon for Every Farm by Darren Doherty;

  • Gardening Lessons from the Past by Laura Donohue;

  • Permaculture & the Landscape Architect by Andrew Millison;

  • Earthbag Building by Jeff Bosquet;

  • A Fridge That Takes Only 0.1kW a Day by Tom Chalko

#70, Ethics at Work, Winter, 2008, $6
  • Business-As-Usual is the Enemy by Peter Bane;

  • Thirteen Principles of People Care by Starhawk;

  • Permaculture in Business by Stefan Geyer;

  • How Ecovillages Care for People by Diane Leafe Christian;

  • A White Man in India by Rico Zook;

  • Beans, Bananas, & Boarding School by Rosemary Morrow;

  • The Principle of “No Waste” by Josh Kearns;

  • The Ethics of Quality Control by Jan Martin Bang;

  • Growing Our Own by Sarah Baker;

  • Farming in the City with Runoff from a Street by Brad Lancaster;

  • The Happiness Plant by Albert Bates

#69, Permaculture at Home, Autumn 2008, $6
  • From Ecotourism to Grunt & Grow in Hawai’i by John Schinnerer;

  • A Forest Garden Grows in London by Graham Burnett;

  • Suburban Renaissance in the Heartland by Rhonda Baird;

  • CCAT: Home-Scale Action on a California Campus by Jeffrey M. Adams & Zachary A. Mermel;

  • The Philadelphia Ordhard Project by Phil Forsyth;

  • A Charcoal Bucket Filter for Drinking Roof Water by Josh Kearns;

  • Brambleberry Farm from the Ground Up by Peter Bane;

  • Dreaming a New England Forest Home by Nicko Rubin;

  • Cleaning Water with Floating Islands by Scott Kellogg & Stacy Pettigrew;

  • Bicycles Pedaling into the Spotlight by J. Matthew Roney;

  • Gulf Coast Climate Refugees Move Inland by Lester R. Brown;

  • Mississippi Blooming by Akia Chabot;

  • In Memory of Nader Khalili by Wes Roe & Marge Erickson

#68, Plants on the Move, Summer 2008, $6
  • Questioning the Invasive Species Paradigm by Jono Neiger and Dave Jacke

  • Re-thinking Non-Native Species by Eric Toensmeier

  • Forest Migration and Climate Change by Peter Bane

  • A New Perennial for Cold Climates by Jonathan Bates

  • Possible Black Walnut Polyculture Guilds by Rob Scott & William C. Sullivan

  • Stalking the Wild Stocks: Three from Forager’s Harvest by Sam Thayer

  • Saving the Seed Savers by Kathryn DeLee

  • Grow Your Own Community Garden by David Tracey

  • Greening the Neighborhood by Jay Walljasper

  • Healthy Adaptive Honeybees by Kelly Simmons

  • Massive Deiversion of US Grain to Fuel Cars Raising World Food Prices by Lester Brown

#67, Kids in Permaculture Spring 2008, $6
  • Editor’s Edge by Scott Horton;

  • Chicken Mash Layer Cake Midwife Girl by Thorpe Moeckel

  • Ruby Kay: the Accidental Permaculturist by Scott Horton

  • The School As Ecosystem by Sam Dunlap

  • Permaculture Education Comes Home by Rhonda Baird

  • Introducing High School Students to Permaculture by Kelly Simmons

  • Bolitas de Vida: Tlaxcalan Children Make Seedballs by Scott Horton

  • Sowing the Seeds of Gardening in Kids – Colorado Master Gardeners

  • Food Unlocks Interest in Sustainability: Fostering Research Skills in Youth
    by Dianne Clipsham & Letitia Charbonneau

  • Bottled Water Boycotts: Turning Back to the Tap by Janet Larsen

  • Solar Cell Production Jumps 50% in 2007 by Jonathan G. Dorn

  • Feeding Eight Billion Well by Lester R. Brown

#66, Animals in Design, Winter 2007-08, $6
  • Editor’s Edge: Design for All Six Kingdoms;

  • Way Down Yonder in the Pawpaw Patch by Chris Chmiel

  • Oxymoron on the Menu: Jumbo Shrimp by Keith Johnson

  • The Year of the Alpaca by Suvia Judd & Deborah Berman

  • Eggs, Milk, Honey…and No Gasoline by Arina & Scott Pittman

  • The Tao of Permaculture Beekeeping by Eugene Monaco

  • Pulling Permaculture Together: An Integreated New Hampshire Farm
    by Lauren Buyofsky & Bill Erickson

  • Permaculture Going to the Dogs by Dave Boehnlein

  • Insects as Human Food by David Gracer

  • The Universal Chicken: Notes on Pastured Poultry by John Wages

  • Small Livestock in the (Urban) Backyard by Dawn Pillsbury

  • Chicken Tractor from the Dump by Jan Steinman

  • Rabbits on Pasture by Kathryn Kerby

  • Abundance for All: Forest Restoration for Top Predators by Chris Shanks

  • The Ethical Omnivore: Working with Complementary Animals by Beck Lowe

  • It’s Not Easy Being Green: A New Way of Burial by Jane Hillhouse

  • Agrichar: Birth of a New Wedge on Climate and Soils by Kelpie Wilson

#65, Climate Change, Autumn 07, $6
  • If Only Gay Sex Caused Global Warming by Daniel Gilbert

  • Disappearing Lakes, Shrinking Seas by Janet Larsen

  • De-Stabilizing Climate by Lester R. Brown; Recognizing Forests’ Role in Climate
    by the Union of Concerned Scientists

  • The Urban Forest Possible by Andy & Katy Lipkis

  • Making Trees Pay by Albert Bates

  • Eight Principles for Successful Rainwater Harvesting by Brad Lancaster

  • The Greenhouse Effect: Creating Indoor Gardens by Peter Bane

  • Charcoal Water Filtration by Josh Kearns

  • The Changing Human Climate by Paul Hawken

#64, Waste = Food, Summer 2007, $6
  • Throwaway Economy in Trouble by Lester Brown

  • The Strategy of Salvage by John Michael Greer

  • Peak Soil by Vera Brandova

  • Getting Piggy with Integrated Waste Management by Josh Trought

  • Bicycles, Night Soil, and the Future of Garbage by Lisa DePiano

  • The farm as Organism by Don Tipping

  • The Opportunisitc Plant Question in Permaculture by Michael Pilarski

  • Building a Simple BioDigester by Thomas Carmona

  • The Waters of Spain in Grey, Black, and Yellow by Ines Sanchez and Richard Wade

  • Vermiculture Goes to School by Binet Payne

#63, Building & Technology, Spring 2007, $6
  • How Do We Want To Dwell? by Dafyd Rawlings

  • Natural Building Outlaws Meet the Code by Warren Brush & Dafyd Rawlings

  • Making Natural Building a Legal Option by Michael G. Smith

  • Strawbale Building in China by Catherine Wanek

  • A Sleeping Red Giant: Scaling Up Technology in China by Kelly Lerner

  • Shelter & the Practice of the Local by Lydia Doleman

  • Mr. Cob Goes to Eden: The Armenian Republic of Natural Building by Ianto Evans

  • Integrated Solar Heating, Cooking, Pumping & Power by Albert Bates with Leila Dregger

  • Building with Vision: An Exemplary Self-Build Project by Catherine Wanek

  • A Nation-Scale Permaculture System Emerges in Brazil by Ali Sharif

#62, The Art of Permaculture, Winter 2006, $6
  • Is Beauty the Forgotten Permaculture Principle? by Scot Horton

  • Painting and Permaculture: Learning to See by Adam Wolpert

  • Observation in Writing and Permaculture by Tami Brunk

  • Ecoartists Open Eyes and Hearts to Nature by Patricia Watts

  • A Life in Art, Activistm and Community by Heather Gaudet

  • Catching Water, Making Magic by Chrissie Orr

  • Street Theatre & Water Struggle in Bolivia by Eve Tulbert

  • Art & Bioremediation: Turning Coalfields to Commons by T. Allen Comp, Ph.D.

  • Living Willow Placemaking by Josho Somine

  • The Body as Zone Zero by Nala Walla

  • The Nearly Lost Art of the Found by Andy Mahler

  • Permaculture Permeates Pop Culture by Monica Richards; and more.

#61, The Unseen Kin-doms, Fall 2006, $6
  • Using Naturalist Observation as a Design Tool by Amanda Malachesky

  • The Purpose of Weeding is Not to Eliminate by Brigitte Norland

  • Mysteries of the Soil Food Web by Bart Anderson

  • Mycelium as Nature’s Internet by Paul Stamets

  • Making Your Own Mycorrhizal Inoculum by Sunseed Desert Technology

  • Bees: The Sweetest of Community Builders by Minna Jain

  • Cover Crops as Bee Forage in the Desert Southwest by Lynda Prim

  • Earth Energies Inform Design by Lee Barnes; Design for the Five Kingdoms

  • ZERI Principles and Methods by Kris Holstrom and Tom Riesing

  • Time to Rekindle Local Currencies by Susan Witt

  • Dead Zones Increasing at the Edge of the Sea by Janet Larsen

  • Between Ice and Ocean by Albert Bates

  • Empty Skies: World’s Bird at Risk by Janet Larsen; and more.

#60 Land Use Past & Present, Summer 2006, $6
  • Is Sustainable Agriculture an Oxymoron? by Toby Hemenway

  • Still Time to Learn from the Negev’s Bedouin by Nirah Shirazipour

  • Eastern Woodlands Indigenous Agroforestry by Dave Sansone

  • Permaculture Begins to Heal the Land and Cultures of India by Richard Zook

  • Land Planning Comes to Arcosanti by Andrew Millison

  • A Rockies Relationship with the Land by Peter Bane

  • Don Carlos Grows a Forest by Scott Horton

  • Population Growth Leading to Land Hunger by Janet Larsen

#59, Peak Oil, Spring 2006, $6
  • Peak Oil & Permaculture by Tim Winton

  • Ecological Collapse & Trauma Theory by Lisa Rayner

  • Something Will Save Us by Thom Hartmann

  • Apocalypse Not by Toby Hemenway

  • The Curse of the Were-Rabbit as a Post-Apocalyptic Utopia by Albert Bates

  • Designing Energy Descent Pathways by Rob Hopkins

  • How Cuba Survived Peak Oil by Megan Quinn

  • An Amtrak Peak-Oil Tour by Jan Lundberg

  • Oil & Food: A Rising Security Challenge by Danielle Murray

  • Relocalize Eonomic Life by Doug Biggs

  • Biofuels: Peak Oil Silver Bullet or Ecological & Humanitarian Disaster by Alec Johnson

  • Cultivating Algae for Liquid Fuel Production by Tom Riesing

#58, Urban Permaculture, Winter 2005, $6
  • Urban and Rural Futures Revisited by Toby Hemenway

  • Saturday in the Garden of Union by Claudia Joseph

  • A Permaculture Alliance with History by Phil Forsyth

  • Zones and Sectors in the City by Bart Anderson

  • Plant a Revolution: Growing Food in the City by Craig Hepworth

  • Detroit Urban Visionaries by Christopher Shein

  • Rebuilding New Orleans and Everytown USA by Richard Register

  • The Enduring Chinampas of Mexico by Nik Bertulis

  • City Form, Country Venue: A Village for the Ages by Peter Bane, Albert Bates and Keith Johnson

  • Permaculture and Community Transform a Military Base by Doug Biggs

  • Beverly Doty: A Permaculture Campaigner in Suburbia by Susan W. Clark

  • The Permacultured Kitchen by Robert Waldrop

  • Radical Vistas from the Urban Frontier by Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew

  • Moires of a “Rurban” Permaculturist by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • A Farmer Comes to Town by Don Tipping

#57, 20th Anniversary Issue! Looking Back / Looking Forward, Fall 2005, $6
  • Permaculture Challenges by Sego Jackson

  • A Permaculture Remembrance by Will Carey

  • Permaculture in the USA by Michael Pilarsk

  • Permaculture Changes by Kevin Tope

  • The Road Less Traveled by William Roley

  • Permatecture by Ianto Evans

  • Gaia University by Tami Brunk

  • Toward an Ignorance-based World View by Wes Jackson

  • The Soft Edge of Permaculture by Robert Silber

  • The Permaculture Institute of Northern california by Deborah Grace

  • The First US Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions by Becky Elder

  • Oil Depletion & the Immediate Need for Permaculture Communities by Richard Heinberg

  • Retrofitting the Suburbs for Sustainability by David Holmgren

  • Success and Succession: IPC7 by Peter Bane

#56, Tree Crops…Tree Guilds: A New Look at Permanent Agriculture, Summer 2005, $6
  • Non-Traditional Tree Crops for Northern Climates by Karl DaviesA History of Pine Nuts for Northern Climates by Charles Rhora

  • Tree Vegetables: Salads That Grow on Trees! by Eric Toensmeier

  • Acorns as Human Food by Ken Asmus

  • Restoring the King of the Eastern Forest by Dale Kolengerg & Frederick V. Hebard, Ph.D.

  • Silvopastoral Agroforestry Using Honeylocust by Andy Wilson

  • Pattern and Process in the Underground Economy by Dave Jacke

  • Broadscale Agroforestry Ten Years On… by Mark Shepard

  • Temperate Agroforestry with Bamboo by Rick Valley

  • Wondrous Willow, Copious Coppice by Don Tipping

  • Social Forestry in the Shasta Bioregion by Tom Ward

  • Every Tree Has a Story by Peter Bane

  • Permaculture Beyond Borders by Jamie McSweeney and Max Kamen

  • Epilogue: A Story of Robert by Dave Jacke

  • The Straight (Over)Story by Richard Blaha

#55, Learning from Our Mistakes, Spring 2005, $6
  • For Want of a Nail by Toby Hemenway

  • Fruitful Misconceptions by Bart Anderson

  • From Unexpected Sectors by Kathryn Santoyo

  • Permaculture in Australia – Hard-Won Lessons by Russ Grayson

  • Read the F*#@^%^*! Manual by Toby Hemenway

  • Reach a Little Farther by Arjuna da Silva

  • Making Friends, Unmaking Fear by Mark Lakeman

  • Seeing the Forest and the Trees by Diana Leafe Christian

  • The Nature of Mistakes – and Mistakes in Nature by Stephanie Gerson

  • A Thousand Year Error by Michael Pilarski

  • The Roots of Healing by Nick Routledge

  • Beyond Public Opinion to Public Judgement by Tom Atlee

  • Lessons in Village Design by Peter Bane

#54, Fire and Catastrophe, Winter 2004, $6
  • Designing Beyond Disaster by Toby Hemenway

  • Honoring Prometheus’s Gift by Don Tipping

  • Fire Hazard Assessment in the Wildland / Urban Interface by National Fire Protection Agency

  • Fire on the Mount by the ReGenesis Group; Catastrophe as Opportunity by Richard Zook

  • Shelter when You Really Need It by Dwight Sands

  • Going with the Flow by Bruce Blair

  • And the Creeks Did Rise by Peter Bane

  • The Oakland – Berkeley Hllls Fire by Paul Teague

  • One Gardener’s View of a Disrupted Climate by Becky Elder

  • Concepts for a New World Order by Michael Kramer

  • Community Food Security by Bob Ewing and Heather Kerr

  • Street Orchards for Community Security by Brad Lancaster

  • The Rise of Globalization by Shirley-Anne Hardy

  • Another Look at Invasion Biology by David Holmgren

#53, Education: Learning to Change the World, Fall 2004 $8
  • Life-Long Learning by William Ellis

  • The Albany Free School by Stacy Pettigrew and Scott Kellogg

  • Edge-ucation by Michael Kramer

  • Points to Remember in Permaculture Facilitation by Max Lindegger

  • Thinking Outside the Permaculture Education Box by Will Hooker and Alison Cerulli

  • Living and Learning on the Road by Subcoyote Alberto Ruz Buenfil

  • Indigenous Education and Ecology by Deanna Moore

  • The Case Study: A Teaching Tool for Regenerative Learning by Christopher Peck

  • The Evolution of a Learning Center by Weston Miller

  • Teaching Permaculture in a School Garden by Charles Headington

  • The Garden Dances by Megan McGee Ingram

  • Teaching About Soil by Walter Moore

  • Toward an Ecology of Learning by Gail Dennison

  • Permaculture Curriculum Design: An Ecovillage Perspective by Max Lindegger

  • Ecocentric Pedagogy: A Matter of Design by Deanna Moore

  • Learn Some, Teach Some by Judy Hobbs

  • The Ecoversity by Staci Matlock

#52, Aquaculture, Summer 2004, $6
  • Ecological Aquaculture at Ocean Arks by John Todd

  • Designing Ponds for Life by Max Lindegger

  • Toward a North American Polyculture by Bill McLarney

  • Small-scale Fish Culture Systems by Steven Van Gorder

  • Investing in a Freshwater Resource by Laurence Hutchinson

  • Polycultural Ponds, Hawaiian Style by John Schinnerer

  • Fish for Health by Peter Bane

  • Aquaculture in a Small Space by Oliver Lang

  • Treating Greywater Ecologically by Darrell Frey

  • Making Room for Nature by Don Tipping

  • Teaching Them to Fish by Rod & Kim Rylander

  • The Subtle Energies of Flowing Water by Lee Barnes

  • In Memoriam: Simon Henderson by Larry Santoyo

  • “Uncle Ho is Watching You” by Simon Henderson

#51, Traditional Knowledge and Regeneration, Winter 2003, $6
  • Contemplating Megadeaths by Albert Bates

  • The Context Can Bring Us Home by Renee Wade

  • Wildness and Wilderness by Paul Shepard

  • Connecting to Place by Hubb Knott

  • Beyond Wilderness: See the Garden In the Jungle by Toby Hemenway

  • The Nasca Lines: Geoglyphs Reveal an Ancient Water Map by David Johnson

  • Waru Waru: A New Life for Traditional Farming in Peru

  • Traditional Seed Breeding by Eric Humel; Seed Saving

  • Consciousness is Key by Woody Wodraska

  • Creating Village Orchards by Sasha Earnheart-Gold

  • BioSculpture by Phil Forsyth

  • Encounters with the Bear by Alice Kidd

  • Fermented Stimulants and the Rise of Globalization by Sandor Ellix Katz

  • Northern Delights: Inuit Medicine Helps Preserve Culture by Neil S. Lewis

  • The Helions: celebrating Earth’s Orbital Progression by Rael Bassan

#50, Ecosystems, May 2003 $6
  • Permaculture & the 3rd Wave of Environmental Solutions by David Holmgren

  • Emilia Hazelip: A Retrospective by Souscayrous

  • Synergistic Agriculture & Permaculture by Emilia Hazelip

  • Synergistic Agriculture at Solaria by Emilia Hazelip

  • Keystones & Cops by Peter Bane (the chestnut/passenger pigeon connection)

  • Brushland & Oak Savanna by Mark Shepard

  • Root Crop Polycultures by Eric Toensmeir

  • The Fungal Ecosystem by Paul Stamets

  • Human in Wild Ecosystems by Max Lindegger & Lloyd Williams

  • Grazing for Healthy Farms by Mark Ludwig

  • Alders Aren’t A Weed Tree Anymore by Rick Valley

  • An Odyssey of Discovery by Roland Bunch

  • Managing the Indoor Ecosystem by Darrell Frey

#49, Where Is Permaculture?, Winter 2002, $6
  • Where Stands Permaculture by Shirley-Anne Hardy

  • Thriving Pennsylvania Site by Darrell Frey

  • Sonoma County Measures Its Ecological Footprint by Ann Hancock

  • The Designer Becomes the Recliner by Christopher Adams

  • Permaculture With a Mechanical Twist by Weston Miller

  • A Gardener Grows in Brooklyn by Philip D. Forsyth

  • Pilgrim’s Progress by Chris Jagger

  • Water Gardens Bloom in South Texas by Kirby Fry

  • Evolution of an Herb Farm by Michael Pilarski

  • Making the Farm Pay Its Way by Mark Shepard

  • High, Dry & Flourishing by Peter Bane

  • Permaculture Goes Suburban by Brian Skeele

  • You Can Lead a Rabbit to Water… by Richard Herman

  • Beauty: A Key to Sustainability by Will Hooker

  • Urban Agriculture in Cuba by Fundacion

#48, Making Changes, Fall 2002, $8
  • A Vision of Co-Intelligent Activism by Tom Atlee

  • Webs of Power (Starhawk)

  • Urban Food Circles by Bob Ewing

  • Change Insurgency in a Shamrock World by Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky

  • A Perspective on Change by Peter Bane

  • Snowballing Feedback Loops by Paul Krafel

  • Garden-Grown Activism by Loren Davidson

  • The Zen of Global Transformation by Nasrudin O’Shaw

  • A Permaculture-Informed Confluence by David Sando

  • A Visionary Repairs the City by Mark Lakeman and Toby Hemenway

  • Culture Out of Daily Life by John Schinnerer

  • Escaping the Job Trap by Thomas J Elpel

  • A Model fro Argentina’s Recovery by Gustavo Ramirez and Silvia Balado

  • La Pura Vida by John Valenzuela

#47, Watersheds, Summer 2002, $6
  • Water As Commodity by Maude Barlow

  • Basins of Relations by Brock Dolman

  • From Source to Sink: Planning Watershed Development by Max Lindegger

  • Wisdom of the Beaver by Toby Hemenway

  • Romance of the Raindrop by Bill McLarney

  • Peat Bogs: Preservation or Peril by Sissi Grohman

  • Where the Water Meets the Land by Claude William Genest

  • Skywater Center – Restoring a Northern California Watershed
    – Capra j’Neva Devi interviews Penny Livingston and James Stark

  • Urban Stormwater Management by Tom Liptan

  • Where Rocks Have Made the Water Run by Brad Lancaster

  • Look Before You Leap by Chris Anderson

  • Rabbits Love Roses by Jane Hunnicutt

#46, Good Work and Right Livelihood, July 2001, $6
  • A New Human Story by Jacob von Uexkull

  • Designing the Permaculture LInks by Jerome Osentowski and Peter Bane

  • Keeping Up with the Smiths by Seve Solomon

  • Finding Work that Works by Nick Routledge

  • Surviving Insurmountable Opportunities

  • Interview with Tom Ward

  • Calories, the Real Economic Currency by Thomas J. elpel

  • Birth of a Meditation Cushion Salesman by Patrick Clark

  • An Escape from Wage Slavery by Alan Seid

  • Finding a Sense of Surplus by Toby Hemenway

  • Adventures in Egalitarian Living b Jon Dumont

  • Growing Community Power by Richard Komp

  • Cosmic Bob’s Plan for Your Life by Douglas Bullock

  • Social Ecology in Action by Keja MacEwan

  • A Day of Urban Sustainability by Tim Krupnik

  • Activists Envision a New World by Brendan Conley

#45, Medicine and Health, March 2001, $6
  • Transforming World and Self by Joan Harper;

  • Your Home is Your Castle by Paul Battle

  • Designing Care by Susan Parenti and Patch Adams

  • AIDS and Ayurveda by Pankaj Seth, N. D.

  • Bacteria: Pathogens or Agents of Decay by Adeha Feustel

  • A Rumination on Barberry and Descartes by Richard Mandelbaum

  • Integrated Community Health by Katherine Willow, N. D. and Michael Willow

  • Women’s Health and Traditional medicine by Cynthia Edwards

  • A Fourth World Apothecary by Arjuna daSilva

  • Healing Weeds by Corey-Pine Shane

  • Botanical Medicine in Hawaii by Michael Pilarski

  • Healing Powers of the Garden by Elizabeth Messer Diehl

  • Medicinal Tree Crops by Martin Craw ford

  • Medicinal Trees, Shrubs & Vines for Cold Climates by Michael Pilarski, compiler

  • Ginseng: Herbal Ally by Robert Eidus

  • How to Make Money! by Brendan Conley

  • Grafting to Wild Rootstocks by Oliver Kellhammer

#44, Earthworks and Energy, Nov. 2000, $6
  • The Well-Built Spreader Drain by Christian Meuli

  • Having a Swale Time with Horses by Brock Dolman

  • Design and Construction of Earth Dams by Darren Doherty

  • Human-Scale Earthworks by Edna Weigel

  • Tales from the Trenches by Rick Valley

  • A Carpet Sandwich, Please – Hold the water by Peter Bane

  • A Multi-Use Constructed Wetland at Sustainable Settings by Brook LeVan and Rose L. LeVan

  • Minipig, Megabulldozer by Toby Hemenway

  • Energy Touches Everything by Peter Bane

  • The Green Windmill by Robert Green

  • The Carbon Trade by Richard Komp

  • Recycled Water, Orcas Style by Douglas Bullock

  • Does Thermal Mass Still Have Class? by Dean Still

  • Another Kind of Energy (the work of Jean Pain) by Peter Bane

  • Straw Bales in a Wet Climate by Dean Still

  • Cooperative Land Ownership by Brendan Conley

#43, Food and Fiber, June 2000, $15
  • Food and Plants for Hunger by Rosemary Morrow

  • Sourdough as Permaculture by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Salad of the Season by Darrell Frey

  • Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables by Suzanne P. DeMuth

  • The Synergistic Vegetable Garden by Emilia Hazelip

  • A Revolution in Rice Cultivation by Justin Rabenandrasana

  • Cold Climate Food Strategies by Jerry Heath

  • The Wonders of Insect Cuisine by Marci Robbin Tarre

  • The World of Chilies by Scott Wilson

  • A Look at Food Origins by Peter Bane

  • A Garlic Primer by Orin Martin

  • Plants and Place by Michael Pilarski

  • Katuah Wild Forage Plants by Lee Barnes

  • Fiber Plants for Permaculture by Toby Hemenway

  • Bamboo in the 21st Century by Adam Turtle, FLS;

  • Growing Fiber for Fences by Rick Valley

  • Industrial Hemp: Saviour or Nightmare by Stuart McMillan

  • A New Silk Road by Heather M. Steele

  • Fiber Plants in the Garden by Rick Valley

  • The Pampas Mulch Bed by Gustavo Ramirez

  • A Self-Forage System for Chickens by Susanna Kaye Lein

#42, Self-reliance and Community Cooperation, Dec 1999, $6
  • Co-Intelligence and Community Self-Organization by Tom Atlee

  • A Co-Intelligent Toolkit for Working with Groups by Tom Atlee

  • The Cooperative Economic Vision by Brendan Conley

  • Where Did You Get Your Axe? by J. Baldwin

  • Sculpting a Neighborhood by Marna Hauk

  • Archetype Design and the Greater Circle by Vishu Magee

  • Bebop into Community Building by Christopher Peck

  • Designing for Sovereignty by John Schinnerer

  • Simple and Sustainable in Samoa by Will Hooker

  • Mondragon & the Future of Cooperation by Brendan Conley

  • Housing Ourselves Naturally by Peter Bane

  • The General Core Model: A Tool for Decision Making by Joel Glanzberg

  • Casting Seed and Deepening Roots by Brad Lancaster and Marci Tarre

  • Creating a Permanent Culture at Lost Valley by Teryani Riggs

  • The Dark Side of Lost Valley by Larry Kaplowitz

  • Zone Zero and the Enlightened Permaculturist by Toby Hemenway

  • Petroleum-Free with the Solar-Electric Tractor by Stephen Heckeroth

  • Natural Help for Beekeepers by Diane Tweten

#41, Natural Building, May 1999, $8.00
  • Roadbuilding: An Ecological Approach by Michael G. Smith

  • Our Dream House by Eric Storm

  • Buildings that Live by Chuck Marsh

  • Chasing the Dogma Out of Natural Building by Toby Hemenway

  • Lessons in Sustainability by Charlie Joiner

  • Under-$20,000 Housing: A Solution for the Rosebud Sioux by Owen Geiger

  • Providing Access: A Primer in Roadbuilding by John Beckman

  • Micro-Hydro in the Nineties by Paul Cunningham & Barbara Atkinson

  • A Laboratory for Natural Building by Toby Hemenway

  • A Barn Raising at Circle Springs by Kalen Jones

  • Cordwood Revisited by Darrell Frey

  • Oregon Cob by Ianto Evans

  • Thatching Comes to America by Deanne Bednar

  • Building With Bamboo by Darrell DeBoer

  • PaperCrete by Gordon Solberg

  • Oasis in the Urban Desert by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Caliche: Make Your Own Adobe by Charles Gibson

  • Natural Building for Plants and Animals by Albert Bates

  • Design for High Winds by John Schinnerer

  • Special Feature: The Origins of Conflict by Lea Harrison

#40, New Forestry, Dec 1998, $10.00
  • Forest Health is More Than Forestry by Toby Hemenway

  • Forestry in Central Appalachia: Developing an Economy of Place by Anthony Flaccavento

  • A Kinder, Gentler Forestry by Nathaniel H. Axtell

  • Seven Generations of Forestry: The Menominee Reservation

  • The Patient Investor by David Simpson

  • An Ash Woodlot Prescription by Randy Carey and Tom Ward

  • Homestead Land Tenure by David Martin

  • Citizen Protection of Old Growth Forests by Lee Barnes

  • New Relationship by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Rhizosphere Wars by Alex Shigo

  • Forest Farming by Deborah Hill

  • The Hope of Woody Agriculture by Philip A. Rutter

  • “Gone Nuts:” Creating a Legacy for Permanent Agriculture by Mollie Curry

  • New Forest Farm by Mark Shepard

  • Rainforest Regeneration by Matt Kovacs

  • The Crenelated Windbreak by Christopher Meuli

  • The Story of the Understory: A Tale of Community Development by Colin Donohue

  • Coppice-with-Standards: New Forestry with Ancient Roots by Peter Bane

#39, Knowledge, Pattern & Design, July ’98, $6
  • Permaculture: A Way of Seeing by Joel Glanzburg

  • Mats and Nets: Patterns from Sand Dunes by Toby Hemenway

  • Traditional California Native Conservation by Malcolm Margolin

  • Fairness & the Fourth System Condition by Donal Kinney

  • Pattern: Key to the Universe by Patricia Michael and Bill Meacham

  • Pattern In Nature by Marian Farrior with illustrations by Lisa Wittrup

  • Pattern as Process by Tim Murphy and Vicki Marvick

  • Thinking Like a Mule by John Beckman

  • Environmental Analysis for Land Use Planning by Matthew Arnsberger

  • Knowing Permaculture: A Personal View by Jude Hobbs

  • Teaching Permaculture…as if People Mattered by Skye

  • “Vietnam Was Ready for Permaculture” by Rosemary Morrow

  • It Takes Villages…To Sustain the City by Ondine Wilhelm

  • Searching for a Way Forward by David Holmgren

#38, Economic Transformation, Feb. 98, $10.00
  • From the Real Economy to The Speculative by Bernard Lietaer

  • Top Feeders, Bottom Feeders…But No Middle Class by Toby Hemenway

  • Permaculture, Justice, and Economics from TRANET

  • …Human survival may simply not be economic… by Albert Bates

  • Pollination Management by Dave Green

  • Adopt-A-Hive by Woody Wodraska

  • Paradise Garden; No Money! by Isatis

  • What Profits? by Darrell Frey

  • Holistic Financial Planning by Christopher Peck

  • Finding Gold in the “Rust Belt: by John “JB” Beckman

  • Ecological Patterns, Land Use, and Right Livelihood by Toby Hemenway

  • Bioregional Design; the Island of Molokai by Michael Pilarski

  • WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms)

  • Win-Win Organization of Farming by Mary Woltz

  • If We Design it, They Will Come (But will they get along?) by Dan Howell.

#36, Climate and Microclimate, Mar 97,  $8
  • Thinking Globally by Albert Bates

  • A Microclimate Primer by Toby Hemenway

  • Identifying Microclimates by Jeff Ashton

  • Notes from the Weatherman’s Handbook by Lee Barnes

  • Prolegomena to a Pattern Language, part 2 by Paul Caron

  • Dance the Seasons: Catastrophia & Climate Change by Jamey Thompson

  • Windbreaks – Tried and True by Erik Ronneberg

  • Windicators by Chuck Marsh

  • Understanding Microclimate by Lee barnes and Peter Bane

  • Lee’s Low-Tech Sun Locator by Lee Barnes

  • Making the Most from Micro-Sites by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Mini-cloches by Robert McKasson

  • A Subtropical Forest Garden by Peter Bane

  • Breakthrough in Beekeeping by Emilia Hazelip

  • In Praise of North-facing Slopes by Caroliine Smith

  • Report from Zimbabwe: Climate Change & Agriculture, Drought, & Water Harvesting – from Ground Cover

  • Micro-Catchments by Can Howell

  • Dryland Strategies by Kirby Fry

  • Straw-Clay Construction by Ted Butchart

#37, Tools and Appropriate Technology, Sept 97, $6
  • Dowsing by the Seat of Your Pants by Lee Barnes

  • No Destination: Perception, Time, Space, & Travel by Patrick Clark

  • Making Workbikes for the Neighborhood by Greg Bryant

  • New Energy Technologies by Gary Schwartz

  • Scythes: An Appropriate Tool for Homestead Management by David Jacke

  • The Swordmaker’s Art: Japanese Hand Tools by Peter Bane and Noboru Matsumoto

  • Japanese Hand Saws by Peter Buhl

  • HouseBees &  Bee Houses by David K. Jacke

  • Pallet Chicken Tractors by Peter Buhl; Start a Nursery – Make an Impact by Douglas Bullock

  • S-L-U-G-S by Elaine Meyers

  • Paradise Gardens: No Tools, No Technology by Isatis

  • Paleo “Bashed Tools” by Charles Spear

  • Leveling with and A-Frame by Matthew Arnsberger

  • The Bunyip Level by Nate Downey

  • Recipe for a Ram Pump by Mollie Curry

  • Household Greywater Systems by David Jacke

  • Natural Building Column: Straw-Bale Construction by Ted Butchart

  • The Sunny John: Design for a Solar Moldering Toilet by John Cruickshank

  • Ferrocement by David Baty

  • Mow Slow by Mack Van Dyke

  • The Waldee Forest Inventory Stick by Lee Barnes

  • Homemade Log Yoke: A toll for low-impact forestry by  Mollie Curry

  • Green Woodworking by Mollie Curry

  • Wood Saving Cookstoves by Susana Kaye Lein

  • Hayboxes: Fireless Cookers that Save Fuel by Dean Still & Jim Kness

#35, Village Design, Nov 96, $5
  • Prolegomena to a Pattern Language for the New Village by Paul Caron

  • From Consensus to Democracy by Arjuna DaSilva

  • Lessons from Community Conflicts by Declan & Margrit Kennedy

  • Sustainable Villages and the United Nations by Albert Bates

  • A Visit to the Amanas by Albert Bates

  • Cerro Gordo’s Long Journey to Community by Toby Hemenway

  • Arthurdale, West Virginia: A Public Experiment by Deanna Hornyak

  • A Village In Between: Artas, South Dakota by Larry Dalmation

  • Planning for a New Tribe by Chuck Marsh

  • Visions of Earthaven by Gangotri, Michaeljon Drouin, Gary Schwartz, Greg Marshall-Clark

  • Rural Ecovillage & Urban Cohousing: Interview with Jill Tieman by Mollie Curry

  • Leaning a New Kind of Life by Darren Geffert

  • Design for Catastrophe by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Remembering Who We Really Are: Design for Eco-Spirituality by Patricia Allison

  • Spirit in Community by Chiwa

  • Schooling in a Village Home by Jean-Ann Marshall-Clark

  • Design for the Next Generation by Patricia Allison

  • Creating a teenage Society by Patricia Allison

  • Natural Building Materials by Ted Butchart

  • Village Economics by Peter Bane

  • Ecological Forestry in Action: The Waldee Forest by David Wheeler

#34, Useful Plants, June 96, $5
  • Bamboo Polyculture in Vietnam; Medicinal Plants

  • Pest Control; Root Crops

  • Oaks; Robert Hart’s Forest Garden

  • Russian Plants; Autumn Olive

  • Regional Plant Lists

  • Seed/Plant Sources; Plant Allies by Lee Barnes

#33, Cities & Their Regions, Dec. 95, $5
  • To Mend the Broken Circles: Thinking Green in City Spaces by Charlie Headington

  • World Hunger or Abundance at Home? by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • Empowering Independent Regions by Gene Marshall

  • Building community in the City: A Visit with the LA Ecovillage

  • The Ecological Neighborhood by Jim and Eileen Schenk

  • Planting with MAGIC by Roberta Greenspan

  • Permaculture in the ‘Hood’ by Sabrina Merlo

  • CoHousing: A Solution for Social Isolation and Sustainability by Z’ev Paiss

  • City Markets: Creating a Regional Identity by Mollie Curry

  • Rails to Trails: A case Study for Roanoke Rapids, NC by Mary Woltz

  • Creating Habitat: Living with Animals in the City by Andrew Goodheart Brown

  • The Garden that Compost Built by Trina Paulus

  • Micro-Enterprise Lending: A Strategy for Local Prosperity by Mollie Curry

  • “Right in My Backyard…” by Elizabeth R. Winston

#32, Animals & Aquaculture, April 95, $8.00
  • Livestock, Genetic Diversity, and Sustainable Agriculture by Caroline Christman, Donald Bixby, and Phillip Sponenberg;

  • Animal Polyculture: The Farm of Many Faces (Joel Salatin) by Peter Bane

  • Commentary on Animals in Permaculture by Michael Howden

  • Small- scale Cattle Raising by Liz Richardson

  • Power of Gentle Beasts by Jessica Laub

  • Please Pass the Goat Cheese…by Peter Bane

  • Controlling Goats with the Right Fence by Shannon Stoney

  • Sheep and Wool by Liz Richardson, Elena Wheeler, and Victoria Smith

  • Holding Back the Water by Peter Bane

  • Ramial Woodchip Mulch by Celine Caron

  • The Carolina Bantam Chicken by I. Lehr Brisbin, Jr.

  • Why Pig Farmers Should Love a Duck by Jessica Laub

  • Amazing Duckweed by Jessica Laub; Free Bees by C.L. Parker

  • Africanized Honey Bees: Q & A by Gretchen Sanders

  • Honey Bees in our Future by Eric C. Mussen

  • Bee Plants of the Mid-South by Season of Bloom (chart)

  • Sustainable Fish Culture by Jessica Laub

  • Constructed Wetlands by Tad Montgomery; Municipal Reed Bed Sewage Treatment by Mike Hylton

  • Rock Reed Filters: On-Site Sustainable Waste Treatment by Dan & Cathy Schellenberg; and more.

#31, Forest Gardening, May 94, $8.00
  • Energy & Pc by David Holmgren;

  • Mushroom Cultivation;

  • Robert Hart’s Forest Garden;

  • Species for Northern California; Alders; Agroforestry in Belize and China; Honey locust; Nitrogen fixers; and more.

#29-30, Networks, July 93, $8.00
  • Networks: Special Media Review;

  • Rural Reconstruction;

  • Leaf Concentrate;

  • Community Food Initiatives;

  • Pc in Palestine;

  • Do-nothing Eden;

  • Feng Shui;

  • Companion Gardening;

  • Nature Spirits;

  • Wilderness;

  • Biogeography.;

  • Network Theory;

  • Pc Academy; and more

#28 Feb. 93 $8.00 Structures
  • Structures: Community Design;

  • Local Exchange Trade Systems;

  • Industry; Strawbale/Timber-frame Buildings ;

  • and more.

#27, Integrating Pc, Aug. 92, $8.00
  • Integrating Pc:

  • Deconstructing Utopia;

  • Grassroots Organizing;

  • Garden Polyculture;

  • Pattern Learning;

  • Living Fences

#26, Soil, May 92, $8.00
  • Soil: Our Past, Our Future:

  • Fertility,

  • Worms,

  • Cover Crops

#25, Design for Community, Dec 91, $6
  • Design for Community:

  • CSA’s,

  • Restoring Forests;

  • Garden Ecology

#24, Creativity in Design, Oct 91, $6
  • Creativity in Design: Examples;

  • Index Issues #1-23

#23, Politics of Diversity, May 91, $6
  • Politics of Diversity;

  • Greenhouse Market Garden;

  • PC in Nepal

Vol 6, #4 Urban Permaculture, Nov 90, $6
  • Urban Permaculture:

  • Ecocity Conference,

  • Soil Detox,

  • Suburbs & PC

Vol 6, #3 Water, Aug. 90, $6
  • Water: Forests & Atmosphere;

  • Catchment; Nepal;

  • Pond Design

Vol 6, #2 May 90, $5,
  • Insectary Plants;

  • more Greywater;

  • Land Use for People

Vol 6, #1 Feb. 90, $5,
  • Household Greywater Systems;

  • Soil Imprinting

Vol 5, #4 Nov 89, $5,
  • PC Definitions;

  • Water Conservation;

  • Small Dams;

  • Ponds;

  • Keyline

Vol 5, #3 Aug. 89, $5,
  • Rainforest Conservation in Ecuador;

  • Gaia;

  • Weed Gardens

Vol 5, #2 May 89 $5,
  • Plant Guilds;

  • Roof Gardens;

  • Small Livestock

Vol 5, #1 Feb. 89 $5,
  • Permaculture:A Designer’s Manual;

  • Tree Bank;

  • Water in PC

Vol 4, #4 Nov 88 $5,
  • Multi-Story Tree Crops;

  • Greening Dominican Republic;

  • Runoff Gardens

Vol 4, #3 Aug. 88 $5,

Social Forestry; Gabions; Japanese Organic Agriculture; Producer/Consumer Co-ops

Vol 4, #2 May 88 $5,

Urban-Rural Links:Economics & Community DevelopmentVol 4, #1 Feb. 88 $5Marketing PC Products; Bamboo; Home Wastewater Treatment

Vol 3, #4 Nov 87, $5,

Trees for Life

Vol 3, #3 Aug. 87, $5,

Annual Planting Cycle

Vol 3, #2 May 87, $5,

Pc Restoration of Wild Lands; Design for Sacramento Farm

Vol 3, #1 Feb. 87, $5,

Networking; Natural Farming; D-Q University; Children’s PC

Vol 2, #4 Nov 86, $5,

Masanobu Fukuoka; Keyline; Genetic Conservation; City Farms; Oceanic PC

Vol 2, #3 Aug. 86, $5,

International Permaculture Conference Program

Vol 2, #2 May 86, $5,

International Permaculture Conference 2 & PC Design Courses

Vol 2, #1 Feb. 86, $5,

Garden Design

Vol 1, #2 Nov 85, $5,

Fruit & Nut Trees

Vol 1, #1 July 85, $5,

Permaculture In Oz (Australia)

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