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Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute
Strengthening Permaculture Practice through Education, Research, and Mutual Aid
in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky
Fosters alternative education through a unique combination of permaculture principles, visual, musical and puppet artistry, service to the natural world and inclusive social activism. We provide programs which inspire and educate people of all ages to live creatively and in harmony with nature. Learn more about us through our blog!17
Traverse City, MI
HeartBeet Farm / Patterns for Abundance Design
We provide information that enables people everywhere to provide for their own & their communities’ needs for food, energy, shelter, & to design decent lives without exploitation or pollution from the smallest practical area of land. Permaculture homestead and learning center in Montague, MI, Consultation / design / tours.
Peter Bane & Keith Johnson are experienced permaculture site designers and teachers. We have been providing consulting advice and design for 26 years. With a wealth of experience in temperate climate permaculture systems we can offer a range of consulting services to regional and distant clients. We have served clients in Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Argentina, Chile, Canada, Trinidad-Tobago, and elsewhere.
We bring a broad range of experience to guide you through the process of creating abundant, whole system yields for your property, family, or community. By applying fundamental ecological principles and careful attention, we work to reveal, reevaluate, map, list, measure and magnify the abundance already present or potential in your landscape, ecosystem, watershed, or bioregion. We can also identify the leaks” (of energy, $, water, species, or nutrients) in your system and suggest essential “repairs” necessary to regenerate them.
11122 Sikkenga Rd, Montague, MI 49437 USA
Peter Bane, publisher (teacher, designer/consultant/author/editor), previously Editor / Publisher of Permaculture Activist Magazine (now Permaculture Design Magazine), author of The Permaculture Handbook: Garden Farming for Town & Country
Keith Johnson was raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (where he learned at an early age he was related to Johnny Appleseed), and has been a commercial landscaper, stonemason, and organic gardener since 1976 in places as varied as subtropical Bay Area of California, the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Michigan, & the mountains of W. North Carolina. After devouring Permaculture One in 1978 he continued to learn all he could on the subject. He's been teaching Permaculture since '95, has instructed more than 1200 students, many of those through Indiana University's annual Design Course which began in 2003. He's taught or trained with Bill Mollison, Larry Santoyo, Tom Ward, Penny Livingston, Peter Bane, Chuck Marsh, Starhawk, and Jerome Osentowski.
A frequent public speaker and radio interviewee, he works constantly to share a vision of cultural and ecological regeneration and continues to provide ecological design and consultation services via Patterns for Abundance.
Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology
formerly Institute for Sustainable Living, Art & Natural Design (ISLAND)
Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology envisions communities that are grounded in place: where people connect through stories, music, art, shared work, and food, and where the economy and culture are rooted in restoration of the earth and its people.
Founded in 2005, Crosshatch explores the intersections of art and ecology. Crosshatch began because of co-founders Brad and Amanda Kik's shared belief that the arts and ecology are intertwined and essential to enriching community.
We also organize the Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference
PO Box 929, Bellaire, MI 49615
(231) 622-5252
Myrtle Cottage Urban Homestead
Email: gratitudenpeace@gmail.com
Waterford Michigan
We have created an entire ecosystem here at Myrtle Cottage Gardens. This is a very small property on only 1/10th of one acre, intentionally created on such a small scale to serve as a Demonstration Garden and Homestead to interest and excite people about Permaculture Artistry, Sustainability and Self Sufficiency. For more information call Lisa 248-818-8535
is a project of social and agricultural change. We are committed to providing our local foodshed with fresh, all natural vegetables, flowers and herbs. We employ principles of permaculture, organic growing (not yet certified), natural materials
building (timberframe, strawbale, cordwood masonry, etc.) and solution-oriented communication regarding personal and global challenges. We offer on-farm sales as well as delivery to local restaurants and residents with our 6 foot bike trailer. We also sell our produce at the Boyne City, Harbor Springs and Traverse City Farmers Markets (generally BC and HS Wednesdays and Saturdays during early-mid summer and TC later in the summer). We invite you to tour our living model and offer short and longer term internships in gardening, cooking and food preservation, building, marketing, media and other fields. Please call for on-the-farm sales and personalized or group tour times.
904 Blackbird Road, Petoskey, MI 49770
Michael Everts 231.348.3044
The Community Farm is a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm in Northwest lower Michigan. We have a new web site, with information about the farm, how to ‘subscribe’ to a veggie share, sample newsletters and more.
Jim Sluyter and Jo Meller, 3480 Potter Rd., Bear Lake, MI 49614