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We have tasted pinenuts from all over the world, and we can confidently state that nothing compares in taste, freshness, and goodness to our American wild-harvested pine nuts.
14125 Hwy C, Licking, MO 65542
573-674-4567, 1-800-267-6680
Ozarks Permaculture Group
Founded in December 2008, we are centered in Fayetteville, Arkansas but anyone in the region is welcome to join. Our purpose is to form a community for sharing knowledge and building skills. When possible, we look at the larger system through a permaculture design lens. But our immediate focus is practical: doing small projects that demonstrate how to live well with less. Our model is learning by doing.
Founded by Bill Mollison, the co-founder of permaculture, and Scott Pittman, one of the most renowned teachers in the U.S., the Permaculture Institute was brought into being to promote and develop the practice of permaculture design. The Institute continues to impact the world over 25 years since its formal incorporation through educational programs, publishing insights, and working directly with communities to put permaculture into practice. We are involved in design and education work around the world in a myriad of capacities from mentorship, project development, educational training, and publishing.
Permaculture Institute Inc, 4245A Manchester Ave. St. Louis MO. 63110.
Jason Gerhardt, Director