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REX® Online Farm Planning Program, Nov. 2917

Keith Johnson, editorial guild

Create you own Farm Plan – online with the Regrarians Team of world-leading regenerative ag practitioners.

Starting this October, plan your own farm over 10 weeks of live and interactive webinars, Q&A’s, forums and reviews — led by Darren J. Doherty and the amazing Regrarians Team of world leading regenerative agriculture practitioners. Following the successful launch of the inaugural #REX® Online Farm Planning Program we're pleased to announce that the 2nd program will start on November 19th (EU/Americas) & November 20th (Oceania).

There are two live sessions each week: Live 1 and Live 2. The dates that appear below are for the different time international time zones — i.e. Nov 19-20 means that the Live 1 session of that week will be on the 19th of Nov in the EU/Americas and on the 20th of November on the other side of the International Date Line in places such as Oceania. We recommend using to check your local times…


There are 4 hours/week in live online sessions. Depending on your needs and questions you might spend 2-4 hours/week on the forum or you might not be on there at all. The weekly task work (homework) and review feedback will take 2-4/hours/week. Again its completely up to you to put whatever time that you think is appropriate and fits in with your life. However, as a minimum we recommend participants allocate 10-12 hours/week.


When we think of farms we think of properties (or projects) that are between 2 hectares (5 acres) and 5,000 hectares (12,500 acres). Smaller than that and you would be better off doing a Permaculture course with your local experienced Permaculturalist or an excellent online Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course such as our colleague and friend Andrew Millison runs at Oregon State University.


Just so you know, here in Australia a “farmer” is the general description for anyone who’s primary vocation is working as a pastoralist, grazier, cereal/grain legume producer and fruit and vegetable producer or ‘primary producer’. In other countries we know that ‘farmers’ are people who cultivate the land and a rancher is someone who runs livestock. We’re keeping it simple by calling production landscape managers “farmers”.


Yes you absolutely can – we will record each and every live session and these will be available to everyone who registers for this REX. We’ll upload each live session as soon it completes — this usually takes 60-90 mins of upload time.


If you can read and write, do basic math and can use a computer then you are fine to do this REX. The 10 week REX will be one of the smaller challenges you face in running a farm — not to scare you off, BUT, when managing natural systems challenges occur.

That’s why we recommend holistic farm planning using the Regrarians Platform® — you won’t be going ahead without having a thorough look at your capabilities, capacity and how that meets with what your land’s capabilities and capacity is too.


Regenerative production landscape management as a profession is the most important profession in the world, and for our species to continue we believe strongly that we need to have a revolution in agricultural land use practice.

To have an appropriately experienced and holistic farm planning consultant come and work with you to generate a farm plan will cost you $150/hr + and anywhere from $1500-$10,000+. Quite frankly at the lower end of that price range you’re going to get a pretty average plan and one that doesn’t reflect your needs. At the higher end you might well get a decent plan but its $10K right!

With this model you’re getting what would cost you $5K-$15K if we were going to do it with you as an individual client. This runs counter to our belief that you if you are to be successful as a farmer then you should be an effective farm planner. At USD$950 you’d get Regrarians’ Darren J. Doherty for just 6 hours — hardly enough time for even someone with his experience to do an effective job.

This model of farm planning promises to change this, and is backed up by Regrarians’ world-leading experience in having run over 200 ‘open consultancy’ (on-farm trainings which focus on the host’s site site to plan with all attendees participating in open planning of that site over 3-10 days) courses all over the world since 2009.

The capital you have is valuable right — the 10 week REX is all about respect for that capital and to have you direct the majority of it to your regenerating your enterprise, community and landscape for the ‘maximum sustainable profit’ of all.

Enrolling entitles you to a free DVD of the multi-award winning Polyfaces documentary AND copies of the available chapters of the Regrarians eHandbook.
Week 1 – Using the Regrarians Platform® Farm Planning Process
NOV 19-20 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A NOV 23-24 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

Since its inception in 2012 the Regrarians Platform (‘RP’) has provided a large number of people with a planning process that is holistic, inclusive and thorough. Its 10 layers are based on the 8 factor ’Keyline® Scale of Permanence’ that the renowned P.A. Yeomans outlined in 1958 and forms the basis to all of Regrarians Ltd. trainings, farm planning consultancies and media outreach. A RP farm plan is not just a design on a map — its a detailed and holistic process that brings together the contexts of an individual, their family, their team and their community with that of the climate and the landscape and region they’re operating in.

Week 2 – Holistic Context® for Farm Planning
NOV 26-27 – Live 1 -Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A NOV 30 – DEC 1 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

“…If you’re not designing your life then someone else is…”

– Javan K. Bernakevitch

Striking words from Javan, words that hit the chord of how important it is to establish what Regrarians’ founder, Darren J. Doherty, calls the ‘climate of mind’. The Holistic Context is a potent framework for refining what is truly important in you, your family’s and your teams lives and how that is expressed in the enterprises you work on and the landscapes and communities you work in.

Week 3 – Holistic Context Development
DEC 3-4 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A DEC 7-8 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

The development of a Holistic Context is a critical part of the pathway to creating an achievable farm plan. Within the Regrarians Platform it becomes the benchmark against which all land management and enterprise decisions are made. Develop the understanding about what you really stand for, what makes you and your family (and team) happy, how you can work most productively and how you can build a foundation of landscape, enterprise and community wealth.

Week 4 – Farm Map Creation
DEC 10-11 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A DEC 14-15 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

The advent of the free Google Earth® software has been a boon for land managers the world over — its become a ‘universal translator’ of sorts between all manner of more sophisticated and expensive software and has democratised the power or geography. Learning how to use it effectively and understanding its limits are important steps in building a farm plan. Its also important to set up your Google Earth folders from the start and Regrarians Platform layers are the natural order of these folders.

Week 5 – Keyline® Geographic Analysis
DEC 17-18 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A DEC 21-22 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

“…Water is the principle planning medium. Water comes before roads and fences and everything. If you get the water right, you get the roads right and you plant the trees in the right place, and no-one does that…”

– P.A. Yeomans, 1979

A primary step in the Regrarians approach to farm planning is to use Keyline Geographic Analysis to understanding the principal landscape elements. Once established these elements inform the placement of most of the design features that make up the Development layers of the Regrarians Platform. Using the Keyline Geographic Analysis is at once liberating and powerful as the landscape ‘speaks to you’ (P.A. Yeomans), ‘telling’ you where to put different elements such as water, road, tree, building and fencing systems.

Week 6 – Regrarians Platform Checklist Run Through
JAN 14-15 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A JAN 18-19 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

The Regrarians Platform (RP) process is holistic and therefore thorough. The RP Checklist that goes provides an ‘A-Z’ list of points to consider when formulating a farm plan that will work for you and puts you and your landscape at the centre of the process.

Week 7 – Site Analysis
JAN 21-22 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A JAN 25-26 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

Understanding the ecosystem processes of your landscape and how these interact with the built elements are critical to building an effective farm plan. Using your farm map as a base and applying some simple and yet effective site analysis techniques will help you now and into the future as monitoring landscape function is a key component of holistic land management. We’ll introduce you to the brilliant ‘Bullseye!’ monitoring methodology that our original Holistic Management Certified Educator (HMCE) Kirk Gadzia co-authored. Also to the great work of another experienced HMCE and Regrarians Ltd. associate/mentor in Graeme Hand, who will help you understand landscape function better and is a co-facilitator at this module’s webinar.

Week 8 – Regrarians Platform Concept Planning

JAN 28-29 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A FEB 1-2 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

At this stage of the farm planning process you should have a good idea of what development-based elements should be placed on the farm map. From our perspective its a strong case of “less being more” — whereby planning is focussed on what is needed in the short to medium term though with an eye to future plans and capacity. Typically concept plans will focus on the ‘development layers’ of Water, Access, Forestry, Buildings and Fencing. This might involve planning water storages and a network of pipes, designing some farm roads, orchards and shelter belts, placing farm buildings, the homestead grid of fencing.

Week 9 – Priorities for Investigation, Management & Development
FEB 4-5 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A FEB 8-9 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

Over the course of the last eight weeks you will now have a very sound idea of your Holistic Context and how this is reflected in the development and management of your farm through your concept plan. Now its the time to be ‘Strategic, Pragmatic & Incremental’ — zoom into the planning work you’ve done so far as you look to take the next steps and actualise what you’ve planned. The testing decisions in the ‘Holistic Management Framework’ for decision making will help guide you to what do and what not to do, and when. Does your project need a big ‘D’ development approach or is it a big ‘M’ management approach that’s best for you (or vice versa) ? This is the time to look at deciding which levers you should pull.

Week 10 – Recap
FEB 11-12 – Live 1 – Weekly Live Webinar & Q&A FEB 15-16 – Live 2 – Weekly Q&A

Our last week! Do you still have more questions than answers or are you completely ready to dive in? Each of you will be at different stages in where you are at right now. We get that. This week is all about you using the time to open right up about what’s holding you back and where to next and how the Regrarians® Network can help you. Regenerative Agriculture is not just about building a new farm, its also about building new communities and continued professional development. The Regrarians® Network can help you in a lot of ways so that you are not alone out there and that farm by farm, acre by acre we build the world that we all know is possible when we put our minds and hands and hearts to the task.

Enrolling entitles you to a free DVD of the multi-award winning Polyfaces documentary AND copies of the available chapters of the Regrarians eHandbook.


The REX® does not promise all things to all people, it is founded on reality and accordingly we want you to consider the following questions:


  • To create a farm plan that will work for where you are and where you and your family are at?

  • To work in building that farm plan while being supported by an experienced and world-leading team led by Regrarians® Darren J. Doherty?

  • To have a per project/site fee (USD$950) so that you, your family and team can join in and collaborate all the way without breaking the bank?

  • To get continued access to the professional ‘Regrarians® Network’ of producers and planners — including participants from all of our previous REX programs?

  • A completely live & interactive farm planning training? And you get to work on your own project all the way through!

Home for the REX is the new Regrarians® Workplace. Here you’ll find all of the members of the Regrarians® Team, many of our current & past clients, professional associates along with participants of the many live & recent online REX programs from all around the world. This platform is very intuitive and easy to use — its based on Facebook and so if you’ve used Facebook then you’ll feel right at home but without the distractions!

A least twice a week for 10 weeks we’ll take you through a live and interactive GoToWebinar-based presentations and Q&A, where we give you weekly tasks & reading; hold special sessions and even One on One’s & small group sessions to make sure your needs are taken care of. All of the sessions are recorded and made available to you forever so you can get the most out of the program.

All of your weekly task work is loaded into the REX10Week Google Drive — we’ve set up all of the folders so you’re good to go, making it easy for the Regrarians® Team to make comments and steer you in the right direction.

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