Want your permaculture organization or business listed in this directory? Use the contact form below.
Please include a physical address, contact data, blurb, and URL. Thanks.

Calling all CRMPI Supporters!
Dear Friends,
We are reaching out to our community to ask for your support. We are compiling a collection of our supporters' letters of support to send to the Eagle County Planning Department to go along with our application for a Special Use Permit. We need a Special Use Permit to continue our 35 year history of offering classes on permaculture design in our onsite food forest. If the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute has added value to your life, community or career through one of our design courses, summer classes, internships, interactive tours or articles, please send a letter of support to admin@crmpi.org about your experience!
We understand that the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected many of our communities. If you have anything to spare, we accept donations to CRMPI at crmpi.org/about/donate
Your Friends at the
Central Rocky Mountain
Permaculture Institute
(970) 927-4158

Julianne Peterson (Permaculture / Herbal consultant / Teacher) singingspringsbotanicals.com
Body Care, Elixirs, Oils and Salves, Teas and Tinctures
Julie completed two years of intensive study at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies (RMCBS) in Boulder, Colorado (now the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism), graduating in 2002. At RMCBS she learned from some of the country’s most accomplished herbalists including Paul Bergner, Feather Jones, Matthew Becker, Brigitte Mars, and Cascade Anderson Geller, and there was introduced to Ayurveda by Dr. Alakanada Ma and Candis Cantin.
PO Box 4008, Telluride, Colorado 81435 970-708-0236
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
For more than a quarter century, the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute has played a leading role in permaculture.
Jerome Osentowski * P.O. Box 631, Basalt, CO 81621 * (970) 927-4158 * crmpi.org
"The Forest Garden Greenhouse: How to Design and Manage an Indoor Permaculture Oasis"
It is currently available for purchase through my publisher Chelsea Green here, through Amazon here, and here at CRMPI! Keep an eye out for it at your local bookstore!
Radio Show: "Living Permaculture"
Listen live on KDNK Carbondale Community Radio at 4:30 every 4th Wednesday, or find all our past shows HERE
Greenhouse Design Services - Ecosystems-Design.com
Gaia U offers a unique approach to earning accredited Bachelors and Masters degrees, Certificates and Diplomas while developing your passions, visions and dreams. If you are ready to take positive action, linking your ideals with practical experience, we invite you to become an active world changer by working for planetary sustainability and regeneration, justice and peace.Our self-directed action learning methodology enables you to study locally, in your own language, supported by Gaia University’s Regional Centers, and a worldwide network of learning providers, tutors and mentors. Our envisioned curriculum includes: Permaculture, Ecovillage Design, Peace Studies, Ecocities, Appropriate Technology, Traditional Wisdom, Eco- Health, Sustainable Economics, Bioregionalism, Life Transitions, Natural Building, Social Communication, Integral Co-Creation, Art for Social Change as well as emerging programs, pathways and projects based on your interests and the strategic needs of our partner networks.
717 Poplar Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80304 USA
Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building
is devoted to finding solutions to the world’s housing problems. We believe the answer lies in education – helping others help themselves.
Crestone, Colorado 81131
The Living Earth Center is a non-profit committed to bringing people into deeper relationships with nature through Permaculture education and programs that foster earth-centered values.
2120 S Holly St #9, Denver CO 80222
The Pikes Peak Permaculture Guild comprises all the certified permaculturists graduated from our various Permaculture Design Certification courses. The Guild also welcomes PDC grads from other parts of the world living in the Pikes Peak Region. The Guild is a great resource for anyone in the region who wants to connect with permaculture. Members are available for consulting, design and hands-on work at your homestead, school, church or other organization. They are also very willing to barter and trade! Want to transform your home into a real garden – we can help!
1517 Lorraine St., Colorado Springs, CO 80906Chair: Becky Elder 719-685-0290, Certified Permaculture Designer 2002Professional Organic Gardener, Certified Environmental Consultant
Oakhaven Permaculture Center
Oakhaven Permaculture is settled at the mouth of the La Plata Canyon in Southwestern Colorado, just outside of Durango. At 8700 ft elevation, and backed up to National Forest, Oakhaven is a 35 acre homestead, small family farm and habitat restoration project. We participate in a neighborhood produce market by making deliveries, as well as farm-to-table with the restaurant down the road. Our greenhouse, large garden spaces, orchards, barnyard, structures and organizational management are embedded in the principles of Permaculture and Regenerative design.
4179 County Road 124, Hesperus, CO 81326 (970) 259-5445
High Altitude Gardens
Bill W. McDorman
5870 S Long Lane , Littleton, CO 80121 USA
E-mail: julia@seedstrust.com
Telephone: 720.335.3436